Anyone Know Where To Buy Bio-spira Off The Net?


Fish Gatherer
Jan 31, 2005
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hi been reading up on this bio-spira stuff and it sounds very good, just wanted to know if anyone has bought this stuff and if it works and where you got it from, i would buy it off the internet if i needed to.

thnx :D
hi been reading up on this bio-spira stuff and it sounds very good, just wanted to know if anyone has bought this stuff and if it works and where you got it from, i would buy it off the internet if i needed to.

thnx :D

When I cycled my tank I tried to get hold of the stuff and didn't have much success. Seems that it is produced in America and it's really difficult to get hold of over here, so I gave up. I ended up having to do a fishless cycle using Ammonia (got it from Homebase by the way although Boots also sold it).
ok thnx, ill go to the pets stor and have allok to see if they sell it :D
ok thnx, ill go to the pets stor and have allok to see if they sell it :D

Good luck - if you find somewhere that sells it let us know!! Someone else can probably clarify this, but I think it needs to be kept in the fridge to stop the bugs dying off? So if you see some sat on a shelf unchilled, it's probably not worth spending your hard-earned on.
oh ok i never knew that thnx for telling me, i will have to go and look tomorrow :D
ok thnx, ill go to the pets stor and have allok to see if they sell it :D

Good luck - if you find somewhere that sells it let us know!! Someone else can probably clarify this, but I think it needs to be kept in the fridge to stop the bugs dying off? So if you see some sat on a shelf unchilled, it's probably not worth spending your hard-earned on.

It is kept in a fridge at the stores and if shipped it is shipped with icepacks. I don't know if they will die if they are warm but they become active once warmed up. Kepping them cold makes them inactive. There is a shelf life to them even if kept cold.
here in the uk we have a similar product called bactinettes
supplied by a German company SÖll (pronounced scholl).

search your area for a lfs that stocks it
I emailed Marineland and got the following in reply...

I know some people in the UK who are interested in your Bio-Spira product and was wondering if it is available outside the USA. If so is there a list of dealers who carry it?

It is not available outside the US at this time.

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