Anyone know what this is ?

Phil the fish

New Member
Mar 17, 2018
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A fungus looking patch on my Discus ?


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Its a Discus, Are you thinking of buying it? If you are dont,
The fish has been attacked by something in the tank. It has damage to the back and also the dorsal fin has a big piece missing.

Depending on what else is in the tank, will determine which fish did the damage. Most likely the big orange discus.

Keep an eye on the wound and if any fish are showing any aggression to it, move the injured fish into a different tank. If the wound goes red or gets white fluffy stuff on it, you will need to treat it with a broad spectrum medication. Red in and around the wound is a bacterial infection, white fluffy is fungus.
The white as near as I can determine by photo is Ich Fungus. Compare with online photos. It is Eradicated by Malachite Green Ich medicine. Remove your fish to hospital tank or fish bowl with aerater and sponge filter and administered proper dosage for water volume. Usually up to a 3 day treatment. As spores are carried in the water, even if healthy fish are infected, they might fight it off without treating the tank. More frequent water changes should be in order first. Treatment of tank with Ick medicine could compromise beneficial bacteria biological filter. Treat tank and fish with a slime coating. Monitor water toxin levels closely. Ammonia, Nitrate, Nitrites. As Ich is often present in a tank, healthy fish are usually unaffected. Wounded and stressed fish manifest symptoms. Can also be heightened by toxins in water. Also add a slime coating conditioner. A wounded, sick fish has lost portions of it's protective slime coating allowing bacterial and fungal infections to enter. Add elevated dosage of Prime or Safe conditioner/detoxifier with frequent water changes may resolve any Ich manifestations without main tank treatment with Malachite Green. If persistent case of Ich manifestations of Ich remains on fish in main tank then treat with 3 day course (or per instructions) of Malachite Green Ich Medicine. Best Wishes for your fish's recovery and resolvement of this problem! - Mont.- Might also consult trusted, knowledgeable local fish store professional.
It is not Ichthyopthirius (aka Ich or whitespot).

If the tank temperature is 30C (a common temp for discus) the Ich parasite cannot survive at that temperature. If the tank is 28C then you can raise it to 30C to kill Ich.

It's just a wound that needs to be monitored for infection, and keep an eye on the other fish to make sure they don't attack the fish again.
Thanks for replies, sadly it died two days after I posted the original post, two days after that a 3" Red Melon Discus (also in picture ) died with no symptoms at all other than being of its food for a few hours !
are there any other discus in the tank or did you only have two?

what do you feed them?

did they appear bloated or really skinny when they died?

did they do stringy white poop?

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