Anyone Know Of A Source Of Those Titanium Coils Thingys?


Fish Crazy
Feb 24, 2006
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I was reading a couple of articles a couple of years ago about a company selling a coil of titanium which you placed in the tank and attached to a ground source. This eliminated the electromagnetic flux in the tank, and made a great difference to the fish.

At first i thought it was bunk, but then they started being discussed in the discus magazines, as it would seem that the fish weren't getting the impulses to their lateral line messed about with.

However, I've since through those magazines away, and now that I want to buy one, I can't find any references to who makes/sells them.

If anyone has come accross them, please could you post a link or contact details?

Many thanks

Sounds like BS to me, but if you want to give it a try, you could let a titanium drill bit into the system somewhere - maybe an external filter ?
Or just let the drill bit dangle into the water.... I suspect the only reason titanium is specified is for its lack of corrosion, so gold would work as well....
most jewelers should be able to sell you a short length of gold wire. (small guage - size wont matter)

Then simply use a copper wire to ground

(I would strongly suggest you only use the mains earth, and NOT a seperate earthing system, such as a ground spike etc- you are taking your life in your hands)

Just found this on ebay:

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