Anyone Know Anything About These Little Guys?

Jul 9, 2011
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St. Louis
I saw these little guys on aquabid, and I am very tempted to buy a group, as they would be a great contrast to my albinos. is care and water parameters the same? will they get along with the cories? I have researched and everything indicated that its okay, but I want some views from experience.
They look cool. I think the seller sped up the vid to make them appear more active and shorter.
Pretty sure Harlequins has them. I have never seen them for sale in Australia but would love to be able to get them.
I just think that they would look GREAT up next to my albinos :p And they are sooooo cute!!

They will get along fine, all corydoras do to be honoust- very placid shoal fish
the black corydoras are also the same species as the albino so you should have no problem there :)
Yep they're super cute and so amusing :)

And they get on great with all my cories :good:

Here's a contrast of albino cory & my black schultzi for you to see :p

I just think that they would look GREAT up next to my albinos :p And they are sooooo cute!!

They will get along fine, all corydoras do to be honoust- very placid shoal fish
the black corydoras are also the same species as the albino so you should have no problem there :)

Not the same species unless the blacks & albinos are of the aeneus species...
As a matter of fact, they are not the same species as the C. aeneus, either albino of bronze. They were once thought of as that but it's been determined that they are not. They are now correctly called C. schultzei. Here's a thread of mine that dates back to that time.

They are a perfectly wonderful little cory and I would not hesitate to recommend them to you. :D

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