Anyone Know About Golden Apple Snails?

Sorry to hear about your losses. It certainly wouldnt have helped your stats if LL had been gone sometime. Keep up with the water changes and when your happy that everything is back to normal try again with the Apple snails. :good:
Sorry to hear about your losses. It certainly wouldnt have helped your stats if LL had been gone sometime. Keep up with the water changes and when your happy that everything is back to normal try again with the Apple snails. :good:

Thanks - yes, water stats should be back on track now the dead snail and dead fish are removed. Trust it to happen over the weekend when I was away! Of course, even though the stats may be back to normal, I think my sailfin molly has suffered. Will start some meds if she's any worse tonight.

Definitely won't give up on the apple snails, though. They are too beautiful!

Cheers - Athena
Truly gutted to hear about LL but have no fear my clutch of babes is du 2 hatch soon. So as promised u get 1st dibs.
R.I.P LL u will be missed +
Truly gutted to hear about LL but have no fear my clutch of babes is du 2 hatch soon. So as promised u get 1st dibs.
R.I.P LL u will be missed +

Thanks, Alex - when they've hatched let me know and we can PM each other our addresses and I'll send you a cheque once you let me know what the cost is.

Yes, I shall miss LL, poor thing :rip:

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