Anyone Keep Non Aquatic Reptiles?


Fish Crazy
Mar 28, 2006
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Liverpool, UK
hi :) the thought had come over me to perhaps use my new 4 foot tank to house reptiles, and i was wondering if anyone here was in the hobby? ive learnt pretty much all i know about fish from the internet, and would like to do the same for reptiles.

could anyone suggest some beginner-friendly websites or forums ?

much appreciated :)
hi, this is probably best in the household pets bit, I'm afraid I don't know of any forums, I've got 2 cornsnakes, when I was thinking of getting them I bought books and did loads of internet searches - there is some conflicting info. out there, but between numerous sources you tend to be able to work it out. What sort of reptile are you thinking about?
hi, thanks for the reply, ive been reading around a little and thinking about some sort of lizard, perhaps a bearded dragon.

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