Anyone Keep Bichirs?

i have kept them before you may as well get a bit of bogwood it will do more :D
i have kept them before you may as well get a bit of bogwood it will do more :D

Lemme guess it was an ornate right?-Anne

nah i kept a few diffrent types but not the ornate

i kept delhazi thats swam around a bit
i kept a endy that would eat anything but most of the time just laid their doing nothing
i kept a weeksii i thought that was dead a few times as it never moved
never kept senagls to small and i cant stand the albino type

i cant see why some people love them so much

but hey each to their own
For the record
kept a endy that would eat anything but most of the time just laid their doing nothing/Thats normal
i kept a weeksii i thought that was dead a few times as it never moved/Thats normal
i kept delhazi thats swam around a bit/Of the ones you listed the delhezi is the most normaly active

GeneralActivity levels
From Most active to Least active:
These tend to be more active during ''lights on''periods and all are about the same activity level however
a list is a list and needs a starting point
P. senegalus
P. palmas polli
P. delhezi
P. palmas palmas
P. palmas buettikoferi
P. retropinnis
These tend to be more active during''lights off'' period
P. e. congicus
P. e. endlicheri
P. Zaire green
P. weeksii
P. lapradei
P. ornatipinnis
there are exceptions as each does tend to have their own''personality''

I never understood the albino fascination either basicly albinoism is a freak and now with them being farmraised who knows how shallow the gene pool is-Anne
I had a baby orante that died. It was ok in terms of activity ness lol. I am surprised that you would plae it at the bottom of the list. I guess that it just had a personality like that.
I had a baby orante that died. It was ok in terms of activity ness lol. I am surprised that you would plae it at the bottom of the list. I guess that it just had a personality like that.

Once my ornates grew 12'' I did notice them being more active during the day.However when they were juvis they did a fine job of hiding during the day and swimming about after lights out-Anne
I've got one or two bichirs myself! Maybe more than that, actually, I think I've lost count.


Bichirs have to be one of my fav fish, they seem to survive the worst things my tank can throw at em. And if you get senegalus, you're guaranteed to have a fair amount of activity. Not the most active fish, admittedly, but active enough, imo.

And beblondie, i thought younger bichirs tend to be more active, they only turn into bogwood when fully grown?

''And beblondie, i thought younger bichirs tend to be more active, they only turn into bogwood when fully grown?''

Oh they were active at night used to sneak in and catch them swimming and hunting about,But once they got bigger there tended to be less hding during the day and actually come out and cruise the tank once in a while and find less secretive places to do bogwood impressions-Anne

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