Anyone Keep Bichirs?


Fish Herder
Jul 8, 2005
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cornwall uk
hi,who else keeps bichirs and what have you got????i have 4 x senegals and am thinking of getting a delhezi.any interesting/funny experiences any of you have had with your bichirs???
I set up a tank once that had a wet/dry filter. A weird affair that basically consisted of a sluice through which water poured down into a plastic box under the tank.

Anyway, I put some ropefish in (not bichirs, but the same familiy). All seemed well, but I came back a few weeks later to clean the filter, I found all four ropefish, slithering about inside the filter like snakes. They were not actually underwater, just constantly being splashed with water! Really bizarre. In the end created a meshwork grill to keep the ropefish from going spelunking again, and all worked out fine. I have since learned that in the wild, ropefish do crawl about waterlogged grassy swampy places, hunting for food as well as migrating from pool to pool, so doing what they did was entirely natural.

The moral of the story is that both bichirs and ropefish are outstanding escape artists; they make Houdini look like a rank amateur. Expect the unexpected!


"But surely if we are expecting the unexpected then it becomes expected, and therefore we should really expect the expected?"


I have a rope fish and am planning on getting a senegal. Does anybody know if there will be a problem there? Also I haven't seen my rope fish for days and I did a water change today and when rummaging about i still couldn't find him. :/
The senegal and the rope should get along fine as long as the rope isn't to small -Anne
i knew i'd tempt out anne if i put up ANYTHING about bichirs lol
LOL I wasn't hiding I've just been busy looking up stuff about bichirs-Anne
I love bichirs too! I don't have and don't plan on getting any (tank too small). but I just wanted to add that I saw some Senegals for $5.99 American! That is incredibly cheap, compared to what I saw in another store where they were selling them for $79.99 the 5.99 ones were Incredibly small though, and the 79.99 ones were full-grown.
my rope fish is about 9" and the senegal at my LFS is about 4".

I really wanted a delhizi birchir and an ornate birchir, but I saw some fully grown ornate ones in my other LFS and they were huge. If I got one I would have to get rid of many fish. I also saw some fully grown delhizi's and the looked to be around 16", i'm not sure about them though.

I envy some of you "massive fish tank" owners lol.

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