Anyone Here Know Anything About Orange Von Rio Flame Tetras?

This Old Spouse

TOTM Winner May 2013
Dec 12, 2010
Reaction score
I have 5, and they're doing very well. Nice, peaceful for the most part, and very colorful. I have 2 questions: Is it possible to determine their sex, and one of them has developed a curved spine. It doesn't seem to affect its swimming or other behavior, but is this common?

I've spent quite a bit of time trying to find out information about these guys, but there's precious little to be found. Thanks for any help!
I have 5, and they're doing very well. Nice, peaceful for the most part, and very colorful. I have 2 questions: Is it possible to determine their sex, and one of them has developed a curved spine. It doesn't seem to affect its swimming or other behavior, but is this common?

I've spent quite a bit of time trying to find out information about these guys, but there's precious little to be found. Thanks for any help!

I got this from The Aquatic Comunity (TAC)
Flame Tetra - Hyphessobrycon Flammeus

Species name: Hyphessobrycon Flammeus

Synonym: Hyphessobrycon flammeus

Common name: Flame Tetra / Von Rio Tetra

Family: Characidae

Order: Cypriniformes

Class: Actinopterygii

Maximum size: 5 cm / 2 inches

Environment: freshwater

Origin: South America

Temperament: Peaceful

Company: Hyphessobrycon Flammeus (Flame Tetra) is suitable for community aquariums.

Water parameters: Temperature 24-27°C / 75-79°F; pH 6.0 – 8.0

Aquarium setup: Hyphessobrycon Flammeus (Flame Tetra) prefers a well planted aquariums with lots of hiding places and some free areas to swim on. They also prefer dimmed lighting. Hyphessobrycon Flammeus (Flame Tetra) are very undemanding and can be kept in most water conditions as long as extremes are avoided. They should always be kept in groups of 10 fishes or more.

Feeding: Hyphessobrycon Flammeus (Flame Tetra) accepts flake food..

Breeding: Hyphessobrycon Flammeus (Flame Tetra) is easily breed and produce up to 250 eggs. The eggs will hatch in 24-50 hours. The parents eat their own eggs and they should therefore be removed from the breeding aquarium as soon as the eggs has been laid. The eggs wil not hatch if exposed to light.
I got that from googling them as well. I was wondering if there was anyone who could tell me anything from personal experience, especially about the curved spine. :/
I got that from googling them as well. I was wondering if there was anyone who could tell me anything from personal experience, especially about the curved spine. :/

If viewed from above, the spine has a definite curvature - I would suspect fish TB, I have seen a few of these over the years and in almost every case the fish's health slowly gets worse until it dies off :sad: I am not sure if it is contagious, or a genetic fault - perhaps someone out there can help out here
Should have been more specific ... the curve is visible when viewed from the side.

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