Anyone Have Any Juvenile Swords To Ship To Canada?


New Member
Feb 5, 2012
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I am looking for young, JUVENILES, unsexed is fine, (approx. 1 and a half to 2months old) of some varieties of swordtails that is not normally seen at our LFS. our LFS sells the plain jane everyday blood reds, pineapples, red wag, brick reds. now if anyone has any cool varieties like painted, lemons, neon, red twin bar, gold twin bar, mickey mouse swords, calicos, gold tux, blacks, berlins or even the everyday wild greens. any cross between any of the above varieties, EVEN ill take swordtail-platy crosses (I prefer those platy-sword crosses) if u have anything just let me know what u have and if you can ship SAFELY to Canada and if youd consider a paypal payment.
please note if you have any juvenile, unsexed young of other species of xiphophorus including x.mayae, x.xiphidum, x. alvarezi, x.evanlaye, x. montazumae. I will be very interested in any of those too. let me know. thanks.

please note-I will also be interested in any fancy guppies young. I am looking for preferably greens, golds and blues nd half blacks. the fry could also be crosses between such colors. I need some new color (and genes) to add to my current stock of endler/guppy hybrids as they are starting to show signs of inbreeding due to constant breeding between siblings and I want to introduce "new blood" to the genes. so if you have fancy guppy juvies even unsexed, let me know too.
ok the whole purpose of me posting this is that if some lucky aquarist reads this and happens to have some young sword fry or even guppys and wants to make some money all they have to do is reply and I will paypal them money in exchange for some fry. simple. I don't care about users posting "oh I got some but sorry I wont ship to Canada" if ur not even gonna ship to Canada..DONT BOTHER REPLYING LOL. simple. but if you do live in Canada too say, and u have some swordtail fry, and u want to make some money (easily $30)..reply. if u wont ship to Canada and don't want to make money, then don't reply lol.
LOL well I'm so sorry. No need for the hissy fit. Don't want you to blow a blood vessel now!

Ok I cant help you but I have the fish you want and they look stunning in my tanks ;)
Hope you find some soon and you can then be a little politer.
Also, shipping across country lines is VERY VERY expensive for live critters and you would have better luck just looking with in your own country or just finding a website and ordering directly from them.
no website on the net will ship to Canada that is why im looking on HERE for someone who lives in CANADA who wants to make some cash by sending me a few swords. that way its shipping inside my country!.
swordtail_king83 said:
. I need some new color (and genes) to add to my current stock of endler/guppy hybrids as they are starting to show signs of inbreeding due to constant breeding between siblings and I want to introduce "new blood" to the genes.
what signs of inbreeding are they showing ?
How long have you been breeding them?
I guess I worded it wrong there not showing signs of inbreeding yet, this is only the f1 but there the same boring brick reds. I was hoping to find some other cool varieties like either tuxedos, gold wags, lemons, any cross breeds, any swordtail-platy hybrids, painted, calicos, neon, green wag, any combination from any of the above or other varieties I missed resulting from a mating of 2 different varieties, because our LFS here where I am sells the same old boring brick reds, blood reds, red wag and pineapple. that's it never any of the above mentioned :( so I figured if I get some "different" varieties I can cross them into my brick reds to add "variety" to my stock. if someone lives in Canada too and is willing to send me some juvies doesn't matter if there sexable yet-I can grow them up (1 1/2-2 months old preferably as they'll ship better then newborn fry) I wud consider any variety. I can spend up to $30 to cover the shipping cost as long as the person is located in Canada too that way theres no customs lol.

and for the guppies, same thing there not showing any signs of inbreeding. there in f2. its just even when I cross them with my black bar endlers now I only have snake females, a few variegated, so the resulting fry are predictable, I was hoping to find some greens, blues, reds, yellows, AOC deltas, ribbonfin,  bottom swords, japan blue swords, HB AOC, HB yellows, something different  then the everyday snakes and variegateds to cross into my blackbars.
Might not be useful. But a friend of mine buys fish when she takes trips over the border and brings them back, don't know if that is an option for you.

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