Anyone got a Boxer Dog?


Fish Addict
Sep 5, 2005
Reaction score
South Yorkshire - England
I have a female Boxer Dog, named Jasmine, shes 2 years old, and shes nuts !!!

Does anyone else have a boxer, if so how do you find them? I thought she might have calmed down a bit, since she is now 2 , but oh no, shes, in a good way though, she loves everyone... :wub:

Claire x
My friend has 3 of them and they are all nuts :S :lol: and the one is 10 years old ;) so don't expect and "calming down".

Not my preferred breed of dog (or not a breed I would specifically choose to have) but nice dogs.

Common problems with boxers though:

Some major concerns are cardiomyopathy, sub-aortic stenosis, and hip dysplasia. Sometimes prone to epilepsy. From age eight on they are more likely to get tumors than other breeds. Tendency for allergies. Also heart problems. These dogs may drool and snore. May have excessive flatulence. Some white Boxers are prone to deafness.

So make sure she's insured - especially for long term illness. Many insurance policies will only carry costs for the 1 year so if you already have a policy, make sure you understand the fine print.
bloozoo2 said:
My friend has 3 of them and they are all nuts  :S  :lol:  and the one is 10 years old  ;)  so don't expect and "calming down".

Not my preferred breed of dog (or not a breed I would specifically choose to have) but nice dogs.

Common problems with boxers though:

Some major concerns are cardiomyopathy, sub-aortic stenosis, and hip dysplasia. Sometimes prone to epilepsy. From age eight on they are more likely to get tumors than other breeds. Tendency for allergies. Also heart problems. These dogs may drool and snore. May have excessive flatulence. Some white Boxers are prone to deafness.

So make sure she's insured - especially for long term illness. Many insurance policies will only carry costs for the 1 year so if you already have a policy, make sure you understand the fine print.


She was insured from the day we got her, good job aswell, when she was 10 months old, she jumped our 6ft fence, and ran onto a busy road, and got run over, she broke 2 ribs, punctured her lung, and broke her shoulder...

She had to have a big operation, have a metal shoulder put back onto hers, as hers had crumbled and broke, the ribs fixed themselves, and they sealed her lung, total cost £2,000, although like i said, we had insurance, so didnt have anything to pay :D

Can i just say, she made a full recovery, and is still as crazy, but we had a dog pen built for her, so she cant jump this one, its about 8ft

And one more thing, the drooling, snoring, and farting is 100%

Claire x
lol sounds just like every boxer and boxerX I've ever met.

They definately aren't for a couch potatoe owner :lol:.

There are lots of breeds that are like that...that's why peopel shoudl research before buying that cute puppy at the pet store/flea market/ect.

Dal's and BC's are a couple, among many others, that never "calm" down. Boy are they ever hyper lol.
SRC said:
Dal's and BC's are a couple, among many others, that never "calm" down. Boy are they ever hyper lol.

as are Jack Russells! mine was chasing his tail today for about 5 minutes. he couldnt walk straight after that :D
don't really see a lot of hip dysplasia in boxers, or much epilepsy, but all the rest is very common.
they all have heart problems, allergies, and unfortunately a large number of them develop nasty tumours.

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