Anyone Going To Bla Auction On 21St March


Fish Herder
Apr 12, 2009
Reaction score
Just seeing if anyone is popping along to the BLA Spring Auction in a couple of weeks.

Its not very far from here, so we're going to pop in for a while. Only problem is i'm off on holiday the day after, so not sure if I'll be able to buy anything, but will be good to see what there is.
Take some cash with you I bet you will get something
Not going myself this time just a bit far for me to travel there and back in one day
I know i'll be really tempted, but worried about leaving my new purchases for the week while I go away, will only be gone for four days & have someone coming in to feed them all so I guess they will be ok. It would be a big shame to come home with full pockets & empty hands :nod:

Shame you cant make it to this one
Will Be there, was very good last time i went.
Will have to resist buying too much in the auction.
The foods and plants and tanks for sale will be really excellent quality.
I'll be there, may not see much of me as I think I'm judging the guppy show.

But it's a good day and sure your meet some peeps with a similar interest.
I'll be there, may not see much of me as I think I'm judging the guppy show.

But it's a good day and sure your meet some peeps with a similar interest.

i should send some of my guppies with a £10.00 note attached may win this time :lol:
I know your fish already C4arl


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