Anyone For Tomatoes?

Hi all, Somebody recommended 'Tigerella' to me as they look fancy, taste good and are relatively easy to grow. Anyone tried these?

P.S. Thanks for the reply Pebbles, I did think of growing from seed but with my inexperience (and with a rather chilly house) I doubt that I would've succeeded! (Ooops no pun intended!)

P.P.S Oh yeah forgot to ask; I've also been told that Chillies make good green-house partners with Toms. True or what?

P.P.P.S Sorry to keep picking brains, but I'm keen to learn.

P.P.P.P.S Sorry for all the PS's :rolleyes:
My Husband never feeds Tomatos before you can see a baby tomato inside the flower.
Theres nothing like a Tomatoeaten warm from the greenhouse. :drool:
Tomatoes are easy to grow. My first dog, Pepito, would do it quite easily. He would eat tomatoes from the supermarket, his favorite treat in the hot summer. He'd then go do his business. In a few weeks, behold! A healthy young tomato plant sprung from his deposit! :lol: I know it sounds absolutely disgusting, but we actually got quite a few really healthy, really large edible tomatoes this way. Hey, and completely organic too, since I weeded around the area and we had a nice population of ladybugs to control insects. They were pretty good. Now, we just go to a local You-Pick farm and get fresh tomatoes there.

Cici, unfortunately, doesn't like tomatoes.
lljdma :lol:
That's too funny and gross :lol:

My lil Har Har loves 'maters, too. But it gets frustrating when you go to harvest fruit and theres a bite out of every ripe one :grr:
Last year I had yellow pear plants popping up all over the yard, I let several of them grow wild and they got to the fruit stage and everything before I let hubby mow them down. Go figure, I couldn't get plants to grow from seed if I tried- but if I let them do it themselves they succeed :rolleyes:
doc.. I have grown tigrella quite a few years ago , an ok variety if you want to give them a go .Red with green stripes . I always grow sweet peppers and chilli peppers in the greenhouse along with the tomatoes , never had any problems . Not sure you will have room for both though :)

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