anyone ever tried Cambarellus diminutus ‘blue'???

Magnum Man

Supporting Member
Tank of the Month 🏆
Fish of the Month 🌟
Jun 21, 2023
Reaction score
Southern MN
a blue dwarf crayfish... I have 5 coming, and a river rock pile in a tank, I'm hoping they will inhabit... but lots of other hiding places as well... they may get eaten, if they come in too small, and don't hide well enough, but they weren't so expensive to keep from experimenting...
Adult Size: 1.25 inches
Compatibility: Extremely peaceful, safe with almost all fish and other similarly-sized inverts. May become territorial with each other.

I had been looking at them for a while, but they have always been out of stock... but it must be their season now, for import
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I have dwarf orange Mexican crayfish. When I placed two or more in the same tank they fought until death. Only one winner.
these will be going into a 45 gallon, with a lot of small habitat... these are a different species, albeit, the same size...
I had some orange before, in a 55 gallon that had an under gravel filter, and when I pulled the plate when changing over the tank, there were several thriving under the plate, and a few above gravel... no under gravel plate in this tank, and a sand bottom, with several Java fern tangles, big drift wood pieces, and the previously mentioned rock pile
I've kept and bred them for years. And sold most of them at vivaristic events and frequently stores bought them from me.

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