Anyone ever put lake fish in a aquarium?

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I would never put lake fish in with my gups, but was wondering if anyone has ever had American freshwater fish(or naturally occuring fish in your local if you live elsewhere)with tropical fish. Wa Happened? Maybe one day when I have a larger tank for big fish. I'm sure there's some pet perch, catfish, bass, crappie, channel cat, minows, shad, sandbass, carp, or buffalo out there? Baby walleye would be a cool cold freshwater fish. Would they get full grown? Who has one? perch or bream would be easy. Bluegills look so cool.
Depending on what kind of fish they are- they are more than likely coldwater fish. Guppies arent.

And, alot of our fish get big- very big.

So, no I wouldnt mix them together.
If you can find some with the same requirements of Gups- that wont eat them, then go ahead. :)

Oh yeah-

Bass and Perch (the larger kind) are far too large for normal sixed aquariums. They are agressive swimmers too, needing more room than most can afford.

Bream/Brim/Sunfish (FW) make excellent pets and can be housed (smaller species) in a tank of about 40 gallons. They eat other fish- and get aggressive as they age. Just think of them as Cichlids.

If possible, get smaller (babies) if you're gonna keep them- they acclimate better to the home aquaria than an adult.
Yeah, sunfish, blue gills, redears, those would be cool. They are so easy to catch. At accademy or wallmart you get a funnel mesh minnow trap and just put a small piece of bread in there and put in in the vegetation at the edge of the water and you'll get alot of babies perfect for a tank. Who's gott'm, someone has to have had them.
ALways wanted to keep a Smallmouth Bass as a pet.

Not that I would, but i think it would be pretty cool!

I'd like to have an outdoor pond someday up against the side of my house where the basement would serve as a viewing window into the pond. I'd probably go with some local lake type fish as anything exotic wouldn't last a winter here.

I can just picture walking into my basement after a hard day of work and opening up the curtains and sitting on my couch to watch some Smallmouth Bass swimming through the side viewing window. Maybe when i get bored, i can cast a line as long as i practice catch-and-release
growing up I wanted to make our pool into a fishing pond with gravel boulder, and plants. Of course it was just adream, but it would be so cool to set up a triving mostly self sufficient eco system, but was clear like a aquarium.
I've had a largemouth bass for a pet,lots of perch,and I had a tank solely for mudcats (yellow belly catfish). The largemouth didn't like the tank very well and died. The perch attacked each other so I let them back into the pond,but the mudcats were the best. Thier full size isn't too terribly large and they are so hardy and fun to watch. I caught them when I was fishing,they were about 3 inches long apiece. I had them for a long long time. I fed them goldfish and full size nightcrawlers,tubifex worms,they'd eat anything. I had a channel catfish but they get too huge and I released him back into the pond after I watched him grow to over a foot in length. IMO bass are too high strung for a tank,the glass walls stress them out so bad. Perch do great,but they are extremely aggressive as they grow. Cats don't give a hoot as long as you feed them and they have lots of places to hide and plenty of tank space to snoop around and swim. I'd catch some more cats for a tank but the snakes are in my 55 now. :)
I used to have 2 Bluegills in a 55 wth my Red Eared Slider (turtle). Woke up one day and there was a bite out of one of their heads, so I let the other one go lol. After that I kept Some kind of huge catfish in with the turtle and it lasted a while, he just died recently when I did a major cleaning of the tank. All of these were with no heater. I have a ton of minnows in my pond outside, and maybe another Bluegill. I dont know if they will do well in a tropical tank though. On a side note, I'm setting up a seafood tank with a lobster, clams and bass... never had bass before but I think they'll do well.
This might bother some people, but one of my sisters and her husband once caught several trout and successfully kept them in a 55-gallon tank until winter, when the fishing was bad and they knew they'd be in the mood for a dinner of fresh trout.
I have a teacher that keeps a bluegill in his classroom, it's about 4 inches long in a 20 gallon aquarium. I bet he'll need a bigger one though.
My school has a largemouth bass in an aquarium. Don't know what they're planning on doing with it though since the aquarium its in is too small for it.
In many states its illegal to put native species in aquariums. You have to get a permit (probably from the Game and Wildlife Department or whatever its called). Only museums, zoos and fish hatcheries that stock local lakes are allowed to keep them outside of their native environment.

That being said, when I was a little kid my brother and I caught some catfish fry that we thought were tadpoles. We grew them for about a year in our fish tank. They didn't last though because we were bad with our tank back then. Never changed the water and kept the coldwater catfish with tropical fish. The catfish got to be about 6 or 8 inches before it died though.
In many states its illegal to put native species in aquariums. You have to get a permit (probably from the Game and Wildlife Department or whatever its called). Only museums, zoos and fish hatcheries that stock local lakes are allowed to keep them outside of their native environment.

Yea it is illegal here but we did it anyway.
I have kept bluegill, Largemouth and smallmouth bass, catfish, and trout. The trout did not do well at I could not keep a low enough temperature to keep them healthy so they became dinner. As for the Bass, hey actually did very well in hte tank however they were extremely messy and keeping after them was a serious chore. I have also kept largemouth in my horse trough and they did well. The bluegill all did very well oh yeah and so did crappie. Catfish were excellent, they are very entertaining and easy to look after. My favorite however had to be the crappie, they were in a 150 gal tank and several of them were not an issue, they were the greatest ambush fish I have ever seen and would stack them up against any african.
acquired some baby bluegill several years ago, raised them up in a fifty gallon breeder tank that they shared with an oscar and a pleco. They actually spawned under these conditions. Beautiful little fish, and tough.

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