Anyone Ever Ordered Tropica Plants Online From Dartford Aquatics?

I have ordered from Dartford, i got the wallichii when i ordered it, and was happy with it. I then phoned up asking where the didiplis was and they said they could not order it atm, so i cancelled. About 3 weeks later i got a box through the post and there was the didiplis with my reciept from my debit card.. pretty rude of them to do that but i did get a nice supprise i suppose.

They do PayPal now, so they can't debit a card. Mine is showing signs of growing, I'll post some pictures later.

Edit: picture:

It is growing though, some new side shoots coming, seems the small rotala species are really keen on sprouting side shoots as my najenshan has really bushed up since planting two weeks ago. The brown leaves on the wallichii are manky, I'm not putting it in any of my aquariums, I'll take cuttings if it grows OK though.
I got my glosso from AE today and it is amazing. About 20 times more in each pot that the rubbish I got from Dartford.

I know where I will be getting my plants from

I e-mailed Dartford last week, still no response, I asked them to clarify whether I was supplied with a Tropica plant and passed comment on the condition it arrived in.

I also e-mailed Tropica to ask whether their plants were always sold in branded pots and their response was:

"All our plants carry the Tropica logo, so if you get another pot - it is not a Tropica plant!"

Ask for your moneyback from dartford and start citing trades description, see what happens ;) Might actually be worth emailing trades description people to see where they stand on the subject...
They do PayPal now, so they can't debit a card. Mine is showing signs of growing, I'll post some pictures later.

Edit: picture:


I think you have just been unlucky, i got tropica wallachii from them in good condition you can see it here

The rotala nanjenshan in that tank was from AE and was in a pretty poor condition when it arrived, but i waited for a week and it bounced back luckily

Unlucky or not, they have yet to respond to any e-mail I have sent them, not exactly good customer service! Even some form of apology would be nice!
took me days to get respond to e-mails! i usually ended up phoning :(
Well well, I have had a very polite e-mail from Dartford Aquatics, they have checked their remaining stock of rotala wallichii and it is the same as mine. They are going to send me a new plant free of charge when they next get some in stock :)

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