Used to keep some cool things *sigh* miss em loads! (not all are rodents i know!)
-Gambian Pouched Rats
-Zebra Grass Mice
-Voles (Native species)
-Guenthers Voles (my housemate was one of the first to breed and write up on them, personally i think they are evil creatures with a serious taste for blood!)
-Mice (Native Field Mice)
-Pygmy Mice
-Doormice (glis glis that someone legally trapped and we looked after it temporarily)
-African Pygmy Doormice
-Mouselike Hamsters (my housemate and I were first in UK to breed these although someone else is claiming it was them, they bought theirs off us so its all lies lol but she isnt worth our time fighting)
-Sugar Gliders
-Flying Squirrels
-Acacia Rats (I adore these guys and make awesome introduction to exotic species!)
-Hedgehog (native species temporarily housed until weight gained)
-Short Tailed Opossums
-Steppes Lemmings (for some reason, lemmings hate me, they have seriously feeble jaws so rarely if ever bite... and yet not only could i be guaranteed a bite but they would always manage to draw blood!)
Rodent bites

I'd rather be bitten by a snake any day!!
All on top of loads of different colour/coat varieties of syrian hamster, winter white hamster, campbells russian hamster, roborovski hamster, fancy mice (inc hairless and rex), fancy rats (inc hairless and rex), rex rabbits, rex and abysinnian guinea pigs and thats not starting on the parrot and the 50 odd snakes and lizards we had!
Mouselike Hamsters probably being the rarest and to have them breed as well!! But the native species of mice and voles were equally fascinating! I worked on a farm and they were seen as pests, i'd take a bucket with me when feeding and everytime i tipped water out of feed troughs, i'd find voles or mice underneath so would nab a few until we had the right ratio of males and females.
We wanted to try the 'native' (haha) wild rats but they were just too aggressive once caught and they stressed so we didnt keep them, wouldnt have been fair.
To say it felt like a zoo barely even covered it! But we kept some amazing species!