Anybody Want To Rant? 2

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crash274 said:
Chain store that are not pet shops, that have unattended fish tanks. The Meijers near me got a fresh shipment of clown loaches in the other day, two days later, they all mostly dead on the bottom, three days later the snails and other fish have them as snacks. They are charging $8.99 each for fish that if make the trip home, probally won't make the night. You can barly see the fish swimming because of the algea build up on the front of the tanks. A whole tank full of dead angels. Another one with dead neons. And yes, three full tanks of "glo-fish". Not to mention the whole shelf of bettas in tiny cups, mostly dead and decaying. Skeletons and fish bits on the bottom of every tank. Love seeing the random Knife, Discus or other oddball that gets tossed in with corys that are mostly ick ridden and dying. Wish Walmarts and such would just stop selling live fish all together.
The forum has a fairly new reviews section that allows users to provide feedback on specific stores. That section has guidelines on how reviews are to be structured that are intended to avoid past issues with "name and shame" threads/posts that often had to be taken down for legal reasons. I would encourage the use of the reviews section for sharing any personal experiences with specific stores.
The advice given at big chain stores (you know the ones they pet in the name lol) I was there getting prime and I over hear the lady talking to a customer giving her "advice" on how to keep her tank running smooth, "yea you want to add this and add this and add this 3 times a week and do a water change every 10 days and you'll be fine ". I laugh to myself and think what's going through her mind to think she needs all this stuff in her tank (mind you she has gold fish lol) . The only thing I add to my tanks is prime and clean water, that's it, and unless your water ph is way off that's the only thing that should go in any tank.
Those People who put RTC/SN hybrids!

Why make a hybrid when they are good looking on their own?
And the parrothorn! Why Breed a hybrid with another hybrid? gaH!
dyed angelfish and convict cichlids
dyed glassfish!! and Putting cichlids from different continents together in a tank!
I want to rant, they let 12 year olds moderate these forums.    Annoying and unnecessary 'warnings' for the dumbest of things.
And making bumblebee groupers freshwater! They converted a giant of the sea into a siissy of freshwateer!
draxis said:
I want to rant, they let 12 year olds moderate these forums.    Annoying and unnecessary 'warnings' for the dumbest of things.
We're sorry you feel that way, draxis.

First of all, I can assure you that all the moderating team are considerably older than 12!

What might seem like 'annoying and unnecessary' warnings to you are very carefully thought out and issued after much consultation and are based on the policy of upsetting the fewest people and making sure the forum is run smoothly and for the benefit of all members, which includes people of many different ages (some children/young teenagers) and levels of experience.
fluttermoth said:
I want to rant, they let 12 year olds moderate these forums.    Annoying and unnecessary 'warnings' for the dumbest of things.
We're sorry you feel that way, draxis.

First of all, I can assure you that all the moderating team are considerably older than 12!

What might seem like 'annoying and unnecessary' warnings to you are very carefully thought out and issued after much consultation and are based on the policy of upsetting the fewest people and making sure the forum is run smoothly and for the benefit of all members, which includes people of many different ages (some children/young teenagers) and levels of experience.
True. I support the Mods. they keep it running smoothly like a silk blanket
fluttermoth said:
I want to rant, they let 12 year olds moderate these forums.    Annoying and unnecessary 'warnings' for the dumbest of things.
We're sorry you feel that way, draxis.

First of all, I can assure you that all the moderating team are considerably older than 12!

What might seem like 'annoying and unnecessary' warnings to you are very carefully thought out and issued after much consultation and are based on the policy of upsetting the fewest people and making sure the forum is run smoothly and for the benefit of all members, which includes people of many different ages (some children/young teenagers) and levels of experience.
ncguppy830 said:
I want to rant, they let 12 year olds moderate these forums.    Annoying and unnecessary 'warnings' for the dumbest of things.
We're sorry you feel that way, draxis.
First of all, I can assure you that all the moderating team are considerably older than 12!
What might seem like 'annoying and unnecessary' warnings to you are very carefully thought out and issued after much consultation and are based on the policy of upsetting the fewest people and making sure the forum is run smoothly and for the benefit of all members, which includes people of many different ages (some children/young teenagers) and levels of experience.

Make it a double. +2. Besides, I like 12- year olds more than you anyway, :p
rant time!!!
people who wear fightens
and automatically think there better than you because of it.
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