Anybody Own A Rare Fish, Or Would Like To Own One And Why?

Well, it may not be a rare fish as such..and it isn't a tropical fish.. but i'd love to keep a School of fresh water perch :) they are IMO the most beautiful of fresh water fish .. great character :)..imagine it , a tank large enought to house a large school of Perch in your living room... :D
I have a pair of Betta albimarginata, which aren't commonly found in the hobby. Hopefully they'll be spawning for me again in a couple of weeks, and the male won't eat the eggs this time :sly:
I pick up a few odd ones here and there but otherwise nothing too rare just fish that you dont see to often in a fish tank.
I have some uncommon fish (near me anyway), IDK about them being rare though

Uaru amphiacanthoides
Awaous strigatus Candy striped gobies
Allomogurnda nesolepis Goo-obo gudgeons
Mogurnda clivicola Flinder's range mogurnda ( I just discovered this was the correct common name)
it depends on your meaning of rare.
rare in the trade and rare in the wild are sometimes two different things.

I have several species of danio that are rare in the trade
I also have discus tetras that are also rare in the trade.

I too own butterfly rasboras rasbora vaterifloris which are on the UCIN red list.
here is a topic about my moral dilema in purchasing them

I have also owned in the past cherry barbs, now those fish are by no means rare in
the trade but they too are on the red list as they are endangered in the wild
Hmm, I own various species of khuli like loaches (striped khulis, possibly some myers, shelfords, indian thorn eyes mixed in, I haven't really looked at them all), and have the oppertunity to get white cheeked gobies (not overly commonly seen from what I've heard) and possibly Dwarf Pymgy Gobies, one of (if not, the) worlds smallest vertabrates :thumbs:
i dont own anything rare but i have had the opportunity to buy a few that are very uncommon.

one that i had an opportunity to buy is the Long Tongs (or Long Tom fish). it is gar like but has a few differences. too big for my tank though. gets to 75 cm.

i also had to opportunity to buy a rainbow fish that was very unusual. i cant remember the scientific name but if i find a pic i'll show u guys
It's nothing something thats on the top of my priority list, if its rare, its rare for a reason, maybe things like that shouldnt be kept in tanks :/ i dont know..

My CT betta is pretty rare in my region though, only way to get one is through import or mail order. Nowhere local to buy them.
glolite danios are rare near you? those are almost a given at most Lfs's around me. ive only seen gastromyzon loaches come in once though
I would love some discus or a cichlid tank, with loads of wierd and wonderful colours. :thumbs:

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