Anybody Own A Rare Fish, Or Would Like To Own One And Why?


Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Nov 5, 2004
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No i don't own any rare fish, plus have no interest in owning one.
i own a V V rare small catfish
peltobagrus ornatus
I have a few that are uncommon in the hobby but not actually rare in the wild. I like to keep fish are a bit different from the fish everyone else keeps and present a bit more of a challenge to keep.
He has quite alot of fish, and some of them are strange,lol, it's a challenge looking after big waste producing goldfish lol.
My uncommon fish are

Hemisorubim platyrynchos; Spotted shovelnose
Ageneiosus brevifilis
Ageneiosus magoi
Malapterus microstoma; Dwarf electric catfish
Chrysichthys ornatus; Ornate Congo river catfish
Hepsetus odoe; African pike Characin
Hoplyerythrinus unitaenitus; Gold wolf characin
Echidna rhodocheilus; White cheeked moray eel
Mogurnda adspersa; purple striped gudgeon
Takifugu occelatus

The rest of the fish i have are listed in my profile
i dont actually know anyhting about this fish its a firelight or butterfly rasbora ive never seen them except the time i bought them
i own a few which you don't see at your every day LFS..

P. Scobina (stingray)
asian arowana
spotted shovelnose
sturgeon catfish

when you work in a run of a mill fish shop, when you go home you don't want to see the same old boring fish!
I have a extremely rare fish :p :D :


Hes a from the rare areas of asia. hahahaha

-Arrowhead :ninja:
Ah, Arrowhead, I was going to do the same thing!!
Except with a Neon..... :shifty:
Ummmmm not really. Possibly the new cichlids are slightly more unusual (Labeotropheus Trewavasae, Labidochromis Perlmutt and Pseudotrophus Socolofi) and I guess my collection of synos is slightly unusual, but not truly uncommon. Almost all mine are in my siggy 'fishlist'.

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