Anybody Breeding Pygmie Corys?


Fish Crazy
Apr 19, 2008
Reaction score
Stafford UK

i have looked everywhere for these beasts and found them once but when i went back a few days later they had been sold :(

so does anybody here have any for sale

-monz x
hmmm and seem to find them on the member search

if nobody is breeding then does anypne know a uk based website that sells them?

-monz x
here's alex and carmens profile if you want to message them

have you checked out tri-mar? they often have them on mail order, they're highly recommended if you've not got fish by mail order before, i've used them and probably half the rest of the people on this forum have too, never heard of a single complaint about them.
This catfish is a fairly easy species to breed. Spawning is initiated by the addition of cooler water. Use a well-planted tank. Eggs are laid singly on leaves. Fry often appear in heavily planted, lowly populated tanks. Do not place this little catfish with large fish as the Pygmy Corydoras may be mistaken for food. Easily intimidated by larger fish. Spawning takes place over a couple of days, and it occurs regularly throughout the year. Males are smaller and more slender than females. Spawns in pairs or groups and attaches adhesive eggs to plants.

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I am embarking on breeding hastatus but am at the beginning only. I have done a simple water change as LonetCrystal described but will be doing another tomorrow and the next day. It is raining here so I am simulating a rainy season by doing rain water changes of cold water. The rain will probably continue for a while as the hurricane will end up coming through here as a good thunderstorm that lasts a day or two a day or two after it gets through Texas. The fish have been conditioning for some time now so I expect things to go well if I can get the fish interested. In my case I am using a mixed sex colony of 13 adult fish so all I need to find is one of each that is interested. It sounds easy but these guys have been together in my tank for well over a month with no hint of breeding interest. The tank is heavily planted so that part is taken care of.

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