Any tips on my 5 gallon tanks

Benji k

Oct 13, 2022
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Here’s the tank it’s a really plain tank I’m new to the hobby this is my second tank and any other plants. Rite now I got monticarlo,Java fern and Java moss. I was going to use aqua soil but it’s to exspencive and my plants go well in gravel anyway. Oh and stocking is 2 adult endless and some shrimp and baby’s thanks.
Clown Killifish or chilli rasbours could look quite nice in that tank. I do agree with stripysnailgirl04 about the snails just don't expect for nerite snails to breed. Maybe add some root tabs that should boost plant growth. I think a single cryptocoryne could add a lot to the tank. A pot of pearl weed in the back would add just be careful if you do add a pot it can spread quickly. It is quite the nice tank.
It's a tiny tank, so the java fern will outgrow it. I use no ferts, and I've had them reach 23 inches high.
It's a tiny tank, so the java fern will outgrow it. I use no ferts, and I've had them reach 23 inches high.
I wouldn't imagine it would outgrow this tank. It's looks like low lighting and there little stocking. If it does get large then it can always be cut back.
Not a fern... they don't get cut well. They aren't like stem plants. I also had low lighting - it's what they like.
I use java ferns in 10 gallon tanks, as a grow out spot til they move to larger quarters.
If it does get to big it can always be rehomed. It does not seem to be a problem yet
Clown Killifish or chilli rasbours could look quite nice in that tank. I do agree with stripysnailgirl04 about the snails just don't expect for nerite snails to breed. Maybe add some root tabs that should boost plant growth. I think a single cryptocoryne could add a lot to the tank. A pot of pearl weed in the back would add just be careful if you do add a pot it can spread quickly. It is quite the nice tank.
Is pearl weed like monticarlo just grows bigger
It's a tiny tank, so the java fern will outgrow it. I use no ferts, and I've had them reach 23 inches high.
yeah I might take that out and should I put some anyubias on thewood instead because i heard it grows slow.
I wouldn't imagine it would outgrow this tank. It's looks like low lighting and there little stocking. If it does get large then it can always be cut back.
Yeah true the light was really cheap and it’s not to bright
Not a fern... they don't get cut well. They aren't like stem plants. I also had low lighting - it's what they like.
I use java ferns in 10 gallon tanks, as a grow out spot til they move to larger quarters.
I’ll move the Java fern to my 30 gallons if it gets to bigbecause that’s a planted tank to.
How many tanks do you have?
I only have two tanks but the 30 gal is a breeding tank for bristlenose and guppy but for some reason it’s really planted people have just gave me free plants like wisteria Java moss and lots of others I’m surprised the bristlenose haven’t riper them up
I only have two tanks but the 30 gal is a breeding tank for bristlenose and guppy but for some reason it’s really planted people have just gave me free plants like wisteria Java moss and lots of others I’m surprised the bristlenose haven’t riper them up
people on the forums gave you free plants?

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