Any Suggestions?


Fish Fanatic
Apr 17, 2006
Reaction score
Birmingham, UK
at the moment i have 2 balloon mollies, 1 zebra danio(i found my other one dead yesterday :( ) and 3 chain loach. im wondering if anyone can suggest anything "unusual" that could live in my tank? i think i may end up getting a pair of ADF's if i can ever find any, but wondered what other options i have with my tank?

my tank is about 10 gallons or so, so not sure if if its ok to add any more to it just yet :/ but want to do some research anyway! let me know what you guys think! :)
Well you could do ADF or ACF if you want. Or you could do Shrimp although i'm not sure how they would do with the Chian loach. Maybe an apple snail? If you don't want any Invertebrates, Amphubiabs or Aquatic Reptiles you could always do some kind of rare livberer off the internet.
thanks for that! i thought ACFs were a big no no with other fish? i also didnt think an apple snail would be a good idea with the chain loach, as they eat any small snails that come into the tank via plants etc.

i would absolutely love some sort of shrimp-if anyone could let me know if any are safe to put in my tank id be really really greatful :D

i think i shall see if my LFS can get any ADFs in for me, i have had my heart set on these for quite some time now.
Yeah, i wouldent go for an ACF :crazy:. Shrimp would be good too, and both adf's and shrimp together would be even cooler.
You could safely get amano shrimp if you can buy them big enough not to be eaten by the chain loach.
How big is your tank? And how long has it been set up?
With that chain loach it would be safer to go for a couple of bamboo shrimp or if you can ask your lfs to get one, a giant african filter shrimp :good: .
WOW :blink: those shrimp are so impressive!! unfortunately my tank is only 60cm long so those shrimp are way too big for me :( the amano shrimp stay quite small dont they? if i can find a shrimp suitable for my size tank and that will also be ok with the fish id definately like some.

if i were to get shrimp, how many would be good to get? think il pay a visit to my LFS tomorrow!
Amano shrimp are supposed to get 4-5cm, and the ones i had were 5cm so they would be OK with your fish. I bought them at that size though, usually they are much smaller when you buy them.
How many gallons can your tank hold? You can probably get around 6 shrimp anyway, they don't add to the bio-load much because they clean the tank alot and aren't really heavy waste producers :good: .
They are pretty fun to watch too.
Remember your tank should have a few hiding places for when they shed their skin, they can be vulnerable during shedding and a little while after so they need somewhere to hide :) .
Broken or not broken plant pots are good, but none with any kind of paint on them or varnish :good: .
thanks for that! my tank is just over 10 gallons i think. i do have a hideaway in my tank and was planning on getting another this week anyway for the loach(i have a loach that i didnt see for quite some time because he hid himself away in a tank ornament i had! needless to say, ive now removed the ornament so i know the little critter is eating :blink: )

well i will be going to my LFS in the next couple of days, so fingers crossed they have some large amano shrimp in! :D

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