Any Suggestions On Which Catfish?


Fish Crazy
Oct 17, 2006
Reaction score
Cardiff, Wales.
may have to invest in a catfish to cure my massive hair algae problem.
The only thing is it has to be from Asia, because my set up is Asian fish only. Its a Rio 180, 100 - 40 - 50 cm.
thanks in advance for any suggestions.
your looking for a pleco, not just a catfish.most come from brazil that i know of
As suggested elsewhere, if you want the combination algae eater+Asia, it might be an idea to forget about cattfish and look at either cyprinids or shrimps instead.
ok well you can get a so called chinies algee eater (there a type of sucker loach that will eat algee like a pig however they grow realy big.)

or the butterfly loach a very attractive asain sucker that is a fair algee eater it only gets 4 inches long, definitly my favorit sucker fish.

ps: I love asain set ups what kind of fish do you have?

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