Any suggestions for better filtraton?


New Member
Jul 5, 2004
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Hi all,
I have an approx. 79gal (US) tank. It is a relatively new set up (3 months old) and we have only live rock (plan to get more) 2 fluval cannister filters a power head and protein skimmer (I know the cannisters arent real good, but we were told "this is what you need" by our lfs and now were stuck with them. :/ We didnt know any better at the time.) Any ideas on what we could do to improve our filtration? Does it need anything else? :dunno: I have 2 zebra moray eels (both around 2ft) 1 x lunare wrasse (about 4inches) and a volitan lion fish (also about 4 inches). The substrate is crushed coral. I would appreciate and suggestions. I have read you can use them, others say theyre no good.
More live rock and a quality wet/dry sump system is what you really need.

With a bio load such as you have you should really be turning over that tank as much as you can.

I am a huge canister filter fan for tropicals, but flinch every time I see them in a marine system.

The canisters will be fine to help with water movement and adding volume to the system. I would be sure to remove the media in them and give them a good monthly cleaning. The best filtration you can give your tank is quality live rock. Lots of people run successful systems with just some good live rock and a couple powerheads.
Thanks for the you mean take the filter media out all together and just run them empty and then clean the cannister once a month?
bec23 said:
Thanks for the you mean take the filter media out all together and just run them empty and then clean the cannister once a month?
Yep, or you can leave the media just replace it often.
as for better filtration, maybe you could add a refugium? This should remove some of the nitrates/organics as well as helping with the PH.

ste :)

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