Fish Crazy
Hi Adam,
I realise that you posted this a long time ago, but just wanted to ask you a few questions.
I'm trying to set up a low tech planted tank without C02 injection, so would like to get some comparison of these lights to other lights as far as light intensity is concered. I'm very interested in buying LED's from the get go, but there is very little in the way of reviews or comments for these particular lights.
Do you think these Arcadia LED's give a similar output to T8's or T5's? I'm looking to get 1.0 to 1.2 WPG of T5 or 1.5 to 2.0 WPG of T8. If I know that these lights have a similar PAR or intensity as T8's then I can get enough for the 1.5 to 2.0 WPG level.
Do you use them on their own, or to supplement T5's or T8's?
Best Regards
Sorry only just replied, wasn't following the thread.
In terms of low light light set up, what I am running as well I found that in my 4ft tank I needed to run 3 to give the same light output visually as 4 T8 tubes. This seems to give better growth during the last year with all the plants I have tried. I have also seen a reduced amount of algae growth with the LED's compared to the T8's. I don't know the technical side to this just my observations over he last year or so.
I have tried using a mix between LED and T8's. The plants grew towards the slightly more intense light and seemed to be bushier and more healthy compare to that of the T8 positions. If you would like any further details or information let me know and I can write a more comprehensive reply.
Kind Regards,