Any One Ever Emigrated?


Big and BAD!
Jan 20, 2006
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The Mrs and I Laughingly had a joke about emigrating to Canada this morning and then spent the next 6 hrs on the internet looking at Houses jobs, the tax system, And loads of other things and we`re quite keen on the idea now, its all very pie in the sky at the moment but any info would be good...

Thanks in adavce
Canada has several classes of immigration possibilities:

Sounds like you may be looking at the "Skilled Worker" class. It works on a point system which you can have a look at here:

If I can offer a word of advice; don't plan on moving to Toronto, Montreal or Vancouver. They are fine places to live but are VERY expensive and that's where 90% of all immigrants move and the competition for jobs is intense. There are plenty of smaller cities (London, Calgary, Winnipeg, Halifax, etc) that offer opportunity and a great standard of living. Better yet, a small town where you can find work is the best choice of all IMO.

Some provinces and territories make it easier to Immigrate if you have skills that are needed. Everyone seems to want to move to the big cities (God knows why) but if you want to find a nice place to live, there are tons of options, and more opportunity in the more sparsely settled parts of Canada. For a real adventure, take a look at the Yukon!

It's a BIG country, we have plenty of room for you!
The Mrs and I Laughingly had a joke about emigrating to Canada this morning and then spent the next 6 hrs on the internet looking at Houses jobs, the tax system, And loads of other things and we`re quite keen on the idea now, its all very pie in the sky at the moment but any info would be good...

Thanks in adavce

Yeah,I've thought about that to.My sister did it,but she married a canadian.She still had to pay some fees and do a test to become a citizen,she said it wasnt that hard the way she loves it there.
Ya, marying a Canadian is the easiest way. I could set you up. jk :lol:

LOL That's what my Mum did! Married a Canadian then dragged our sorry butts all the way to Canada when we were kids. Lovely country but some how it never felt like home and those winters were just toooooo long!!! I ended up moving back to the uk at 21 and my folks gave up on the dream and started a new one in Spain!

Good luck
I'm literally just starting to fill out the paperwork to go to canada. I'm moving to St Johns in Newfoundland, my father moved there 10 years ago. I'm moving there first to get a foot in the door,then looking at moving West to earn some money. I spent a year working in Alberta and eventually want to settle there, but moving with my partner and 2 year old I don't want to take such a huge risk. Search the internet for companys that do most of the paperwork for you and don't want cash up front. The process is changing for the better at the moment. My wife knows more, i'll ask her, I just sign the forms when she's filled them in

Good Luck
yeah just from 2 days research i think our standard of life there would be so much better than here, we're thinking of moving anyway in a year or so and as it is we can just about stretch to 150,000 pounds which will buy us a 2 bed semi in a rubbish area with a teeny tiny garden around here. looking at areas like orangeville, kitchener, keswick (all sort of around but outside of toronto) we can get a $200,000 house so be paying less mortgage and get a beautiful house in a lovely area with a garage 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms etc etc. we could even afford it if we had to go back to basically step one of our respective careers and take big pay cuts. it just seems like the perfect way to get the quality of life that we want without bankrupting ourselves for it.

anyway cheers for the help everyone, any more links and info you can give us would be great. it'd be really good if you could give us a rough idea of the cost of living, gas bills, electric bills, average food shop etc. :good:
Yeay we qualify....

will probably be a year or two before we do it but thats ok.
It gives me time to understand the tax system....
How the fudge does that work?
Here's a good link.

We pay Federal Income Tax and Provincial Income Tax. Provincial Income Tax rates vary depending on which province or territory you live. These are deducted from your pay through payroll deductions. There are also mandatory deductions for Employment Insurance and Canada Pension.

Also, anything you purchase is subject to GST (Goods and Services Tax - Federal) and PST (Provincial Sales Tax) In Ontario that's 6% GST and 8% PST.

We are taxed pretty heavily here but from what I read, it's actually not too bad compared to Europe. I know housing is a lot less expensive. I'll post back with some numbers for Hydro, Gas, Water, Property Taxes, etc. I'm curious to hear how our rates compare.
I'm a single white male aged 21 if anyone is looking for a husband to get their citizenship through..


Anyways, I live in Vancouver.. if you want to know anything about the area I can offer what I know. It is definitely getting more expensive to live here every year.
so just in general for a lot of your major taxes you pay once to the federal government and once to the provincial government?

we've seen on housing listings a price for tax, what's this? is it a one off payment to do with buyign the property or is that your yearly/monthly property tax?

from what i can gather your taxes are great compared to what we get over here, we pay over double for petrol and I'm sure there's plenty more things like that.

we pay VAT which would be the equivalent of GST and PST think it's around the same amount.
yeah just from 2 days research i think our standard of life there would be so much better than here, we're thinking of moving anyway in a year or so and as it is we can just about stretch to 150,000 pounds which will buy us a 2 bed semi in a rubbish area with a teeny tiny garden around here. looking at areas like orangeville, kitchener, keswick (all sort of around but outside of toronto) we can get a $200,000 house so be paying less mortgage and get a beautiful house in a lovely area with a garage 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms etc etc. we could even afford it if we had to go back to basically step one of our respective careers and take big pay cuts. it just seems like the perfect way to get the quality of life that we want without bankrupting ourselves for it.

anyway cheers for the help everyone, any more links and info you can give us would be great. it'd be really good if you could give us a rough idea of the cost of living, gas bills, electric bills, average food shop etc. :good:

I know kitchener... i like it all around there. Loads of english named places such as "stratford upon avon"... nice..

I would move to Canada too. Proper summers, and proper winters. Much more for the wonga.

I know kitchener... i like it all around there. Loads of english named places such as "stratford upon avon"... nice..

I would move to Canada too. Proper summers, and proper winters. Much more for the wonga.


yeah we had a good giggle over the place names, i could move to peterborough (where my parents live) bradford (where Ian's family lives) or norwich (where i was born)!

kitchener looks lovely to me though and seems relativlye close to missisuagua (sp) where a lot of the construction work around toronto is going on at the moment.

yeah Ian wants the proepr winters, he's wierd and doesn't like it when it's warm. :rolleyes:

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