Fish Fanatic
My friend is really into fish and like my hubby his wife isn't really into it. So it is nice that he got back into the hobby. Until the other day I had not seen his 46 up and running. I had only been able to talk fish combo and filter ETC. So anyway I get to see his tank and ....... Walk into find this nice bow front tank with a mirror back( would not of been my background but I could look past it ). With funcky colored gravel and fake decorations and walls of bubbles, a bunch of really bad plastic plants (which some were hot pink). No real plants no caves the thing didn't even look like a natural enviroment and to top it all off. He mixed 4 different kinds of Chiclids and 2 bala sharks, and there isn't a rock in sight !! Why have a tank? He leaves the light off all day turns it on at 5:00 until 10:00. The fish will swim around all areas of the tank during the day but the second you turn on the light or go up to the tank the fish swim to the bottom back. I just don't get it. I have tanks and I like to create as natural of a tank as poss. I don't mean to offend anyone and broken ships with bubbles have a place but at least give the fish a place to be happy!!! I told him nicely that they needed more rocky places to hide and he said then he wouldn't be able to see them! ugh
So does a non natural tank bother you ?
Boy it does me !!
So does a non natural tank bother you ?
Boy it does me !!