Any No Any Thing


Nov 4, 2005
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i got given one for free i was told theres no problems with it and other fish ??i found this pic on the net the one i got looks like the top pic
Can't see a pic, but the black shark Labeo chrysophekadion is a monster.

Gets to two feet (and many have gained larger sizes than that) and makes the red tail black shark look nice and placid. They more than hold their own with a number of aggressive cichlids.
From PFK:

Avoid the Black shark and other Labeo species which, for some reason, will always harass these peaceful fish by rasping continuously on their bodies, removing the protective mucus and exposing the bare scales which can attract fungus and kill the fish.

Hope this helps, does not sound like good comunity fish to me.
lolol sounds like u cant pay peepl to buy them if you no what there like

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