Any ideas? :-)

Nuttygal! :0)

Dec 22, 2004
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There! ;0)
I have a fairly new tank (got for X-mas), not quiet sure how many litres or gallons, but it is 17" deep and 4' long. I currently have 3 scalare angels, 10 guppies, 2 female bettas, 3 bronze corydoras, 3 platys, 3 ?red scabs? (-not sure of correct name but it's something like that! :dunno: ) and 4 gouramis. The tank is well planted with real plants, and has a huge chunk of bogwood. I would like a few more fish but I'm not sure what kind? Maybe a small shoal of tetras or something? If anyone has any ideas as to any nice bright fish that will be compatible in my tank, I love to hear them! Thanks in advance!
Silly question here, but it is only about 20 days since Christmas, has the tank been cycled?
I thought that, most tanks dont cycle in 20 days unless old filter media has been used and to have female bettas and angels in a very new tank is sometimes not a great idea. I'm not sure id add too many more fish tho.
The tank is 17" high!

Don't worry, the tank has been cycled. I used old filter media and took some bacteria from the gravel of another tank with has been running for nearly a year. A few days later I added the 3 platys as I know they're really hardy. I haven't had any fish die, and I do weekly water changes and get the water tested at my LFS. Everything's fine.
Ok! :D
Length= 4'
Height= 17"
Width= 15"

Edit: Sorry, sorry! I got mixed up and put 15" for the length too. It is for 4' long. It is the width that is 15"! Sorry! :*)
17 US gallons, however, in your first post you said 4' long, in which case its 53 US gallons.

So if its 4' long you have

53 US g
44 UK g
200 L

Roughly. Dont forget, the actual water volume will be less as the substrate and ornaments will take up some of that.

Looking at your current stock list I would say you were fully/over stocked. And don't add anything when you don't know what you have already... 3 ?red scabs? in find out what they are first.

I wasnt saying there was a problem with the size of your tank with the angels, that is perfectly ok i was just sayin a 20 day old tank rougly isnt great for angels and female bettas. But if u say its cycled then i will take ur word for it.

Should 3 angels and 4 gouramis be kept together? I thought they were both very territorial fish, especially if spawning?

I'm not critisizing -- I'm genuinely curious because I've considdered getting both of those fish for future tank(s) I'm planning for someday. :)

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