Any Ideas On Stocking My Tank?


Fish Fanatic
Aug 1, 2007
Reaction score
Scotland, UK
Hello all,

I was wondering what fish would be best put into a community set up. I am (Friday) going to buy a 295l boalong fish tank. I am going to buy it from Aquariums delivered. Does anyone have any good gen on what fish (once being fishless cylcled) to put in this set up.

Thank you for reading.

Mollies and platies are always a good fish they are community fish and come in some great colours. I also think that some of the small tetra make good additions. Have fun :good:
I think rams are good, great characters and peaceful community fish. (although sometimes not too peaceful with each other)
I think rams are good, great characters and peaceful community fish. (although sometimes not too peaceful with each other)

i love rams but never got any coz i thought they were agressive. Interesting i may just have to get some next time i get some fish :good:
Could not reccommend them enough..

Ideally get a male and female pair as this will keep the bickering down a little, this should be the only trouble they cause.
They are a little fussy about the water and like it soft.

They will be fine in a community setup.
Could not reccommend them enough..

Ideally get a male and female pair as this will keep the bickering down a little, this should be the only trouble they cause.
They are a little fussy about the water and like it soft.

They will be fine in a community setup.

Great i will look at getting some golden rams then.. I have had a look at them and they are really nice looking fish. What would go well with these fish. I also would like to get a sim fighter and (forgive me if description is incorrect) a red fin shark.

Would theses be compatible with clown loaches?

Thanx for the advise.

I second the Rams! I've got a pair, I've also got a few fighters in there - the Ram pesters the females and bullies the male but there's room and it's not a serious problem. Would be careful with mollies, they're pretty but the buggers breed! And whoever said rainbows, got to second that one too!
yeah a clown loach would be feasible

Thank you that is really good... What kind of numbers can i fit in this set up (LxWxH): 120 X 43.3 X 67cm. I know that the clown loaches over time can grow reasonably big.

Any ideas fish lovers?


Yea i am getting my tank delivered on friday. I will start the fishless cycle when i get home as i am away at the moment.. Then i will have to sit on my hands lol..

all i need to know now is what numbers i can get in without overstocking... Would it be possible to get some cardinal tetras in there too?
Rams are great. I like the blue ones best. I think you only keep one pair per tank from what I usually hear.

Candinals are great too. They need a very well established tank though. It will need to be up and running for about 6 months before you try to add these. They don't do as well in newer tanks.

I'm not sure how cm works out in inches or us gallons so I can't say about the rest.

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