Any Heaters For Plastic Tanks?


New Member
Dec 8, 2008
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Birmingham UK
I've recently been given a 6 gal plastic tank by a friend, and due to it being kinda long & short I thought it would be ideal for me to give ADF's a go. However, it's supposed to be used as a coldwater tank & so obviously has no heater.
To my mind plastic + heat = bad idea, but I'm wondering there actually is a heater for plastic tanks on the market?

Thanks in advance
Don't heaters have those things? that keep it from touching the glass? (in this case, the plastic)
:/ yeah, but plastic bins shouldn't be used for a long time.
should be just short term.
Ive used a heater on a 'plastic' tank before, so long as you use the suction cups to keep it off the actual side of the tank, you shouldnt have a problem. Just get a small 25/50w heater.
In this case, you could use an undergravel heater.. The heater turns the gravel into an electric blanket. Heating wires (coated and fully safe) are run through the gravel, heating the gravel which in turn heats the water.
that sounds like a vivarium heater :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:

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