Any Good Tank Mates?


Fish Fanatic
Nov 24, 2012
Reaction score
Pennsylvania, USA
Redid my 30 last week and its got black sand with white holey rock. I currently have two blue rams and two cories the there. What other cool fish will be ok with the rams? Preferably other south americans?
I don't know what kind of cory you have, but from your sig you have 2 green cory in your 29g and 2 unidentified cory in a 5g. A 5g is really too small for cory unless they're fry. All cory should be kept in groups of 6+ of the same species.
I'm another screaming corys :)
they look great in big groups, that's how they should be
If i got some spotted cories would they shoal with the emeralds? And would i have room for any others in the 30? And i have the two in the 5 because its my breeder and cories are just about the only thing that wont eat fry. Maybe ill take the two from the 5 and put them with the two in the 20 though. But what other south americans will be ok with my two rams in the 30?
Best to get the same species of Corydoras, they schoal in groups in the thousands in the wild (some amazing youtube clips out there). I started with six Emerald Brochis, they were so much more active when I added another six.
But for upper water dither fish from South America, my top choice would be the horribly named "Golden Pencilfish" (Nannostomus beckfordi), which are mainly brown/red! They are the only South American fish in my tanks, lovely colours and great dithers, because they are bold little fish and also have tiny mouths that cannot eat anything but the tinniest of fry (any Ram fry should be very safe).
The only slight concern could be tank temperature, normally Rams are kept at 27C or more and this might be a little high all year round for N. beckfordi. This is why Corydoras sterbai are often suggested as catfish for such tanks, because they thrive in high-end tropical conditions like this, unlike Peppered/3-lined/Pandas/Bronze etc.
Nice. Im gonna stop by a few stores now and llook for pencilfish and see what theyre like. And i didnt know having more cories made them more active but it makes sense, i was wondering why they were so lazy.

And thanks a lot too for your good advice in both of my tanks bud, much appreciated
lee420 said:
Nice. Im gonna stop by a few stores now and llook for pencilfish and see what theyre like. And i didnt know having more cories made them more active but it makes sense, i was wondering why they were so lazy.

And thanks a lot too for your good advice in both of my tanks bud, much appreciated
You'll love it when you get a few more then, they become great to watch!

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