I have a 20 gallon tank with mushrooms, leathers, and some buttons and more to come, i was wondering if there was a nice lookin anemone that would house a maroon clown that i can put in, that is also coral safe?.. thanks!
as far as i know, maroons are one of the less likely species to host, but that aside, 20g is just too small to safely hold any anemone other than aiptasia (a pest) and a maroon clown will get too big and too aggressive for a tank that size.
agreed. A maroon will outgrow that tank quickly. I also wouldn't especially recommend any nem for a tank that small but if you must...a curly que would probably thrive if proper care is taken. Dont expect anything to host it though.
I was going to say you can use a torch or some other Euphillia coral for clownfish. The torch coral won't wander around and many clownfish will happily swim around their tentacles. However, since you have an anemone keep an eye on it. Put a course sponge over the intake of any powerheads/ power filters to prevent the anemone getting sucked up. Make sure the anemone is given a bit of room so it doesn't open up onto the corals in the tank.