Any female communities?


Fish Crazy
Sep 9, 2004
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Does anybody here have a female betta community tank? How did you go about setting it up? All females at once? Any aggression problems? Did you cycle with fish or fishless? If with fish did you use the female bettas? Do you have many hiding spots? Any pictures?

Any help will be greatly appreciated.
I"m using a photo of someone else's that I saw once and REALLY fell in love with.
If I remember correctly, he said it was a girly betta community tank.
Here's the pic:


Pretty gorgeous, isn't it? :wub:
I want to get a corner tank and get a bunch of girlies to go into it.
I'm not sure how to go about getting it ready for them, and/or putting them in, but I really like this tank setup.

(photo belongs to fatbob)
I cycled mine several days fishless, aging the water and such. Mine has gravel in the bottom, a seashell thing I made, and two plastic plants. I have several females in it and they get along fairly well, and I did put them all in at once. I'm sure it's because they came from community tanks and went back into a community tank. They don't really hide from each other, but if they do, they hide behind or under the heater. I'll be getting a corner filter for it this week.

They nip a little at one another, but it's mostly flaring and pushing. Nothing serious thus far.

I have three others I bought from petstores and they do not get along at all. All three seperated or else they tear each other to bits.
Hmmm looks very nice I might just have to steal the idea :lol: And that was only a half joke :rolleyes:

Looks realllly good. I think I could mimic it, make some rock caves, use my pieces of driftwood, and I have some plants but they aren't exactly the type that would be too good as a hiding place hehe....I only plan on keeping four though.

Thank you and please anyone post more examples :nod:
Here's my planted 10g:


I had 4 girls in there, but 2 recently died (unknown causes). Here's a quote from one of my previous posts:
cutechic said:
The smallest STs were placed in the tank first. A few weeks later, after they had established territories, I put the CT, who was larger, in the tank. Because she was a 'foreigner', she didn't attack the other girls. And since she was larger, they didn't attack her. If you have some large or aggressive females, try to add them at least a few days after the smaller ones are added. smile.gif

In a tank with many hiding places and heavy filtration, minor nips should heal almost before you notice them. Having a slightly stronger current than normal will deter aggression. I generally have 2 HOB filters in my 10g.

I would have no more than 6 females in a 10g, and that's only with heavy filtration. You would probably be better having them in a 15g or a 20g (long, if possible).

And here's some other female community threads, if you want to take a look:
We've just set up a female community tank. Four females and a bottom feeder to keep the tank clean. It's got a cave, two lengths of pond hose (plec loves this) and a few live plants. We have used sand in this tank and it looks lovely. We took aged media and water from another tank so have used fish for the cycle. All seems well. There is some nipping but we think it's getting better.

Reason we set up the female community was because our baby bettas are getting so big now and we wanted to keep a few of the females. Plenty of room as I think the tank is a 40g tank.
I have a 96 litre with sand and live plants. There is a large cave and a rock in there and a couple of plastic tubes. There are 2 x fluval 2+ filters in (always keep a spare running in my tank) which give lots of disturbance and is supposed to help keep fights to a minumum. There are 4 females in there at the moment with 6 cories and 4 khulies. I have a dominant VT female who bosses all the other girls around but we rarely get nipped fins anymore. You can see that the plants have taken over and give perfect cover for the girls to hide from each other if need be.

This tank was originally a community to guppies and neons. It originally had gravel in and I switched to sand which did cause a mini-cycle but the 2 females I put in were fine with plenty of water changes. After transferring the original tank mates I slowly added the girls into this one. Started with 2 and then added the others. I have another 3 to go in there very soon so will take them all out, then re-arrange the plants and caves, then put them all back in.
Here's a photo of it as of this morning

cutechic said:
Here's my planted 10g:


I had 4 girls in there, but 2 recently died (unknown causes).
How are the 2 girls getting along now that the other 2 have died?

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