Any Eel Keepers?


stuck between a rock and a fish tank
Fish of the Month 🌟
May 4, 2004
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I dont see many people posting about eels anymore on here. Does anyone keep the,? what eel do you keep and what kind of set up?
Post your pics of your eels

I have kept them for years at the moment I only have one fire eel hes about 21 inches had him about 7 months and hes in a 150g tank with oscars, giraffe cat and polys. A great fish that hand feeds and will eat until he cant swallow any more down



Im slowly getting into to eels.
Not sure if bichirs class as eels but I got a senegal, very interesting indeed.
Lovely eel there mate! I adore fire eels, they have stunning colouration and adorable little faces. I've got a soft-spot for long-bodied bottom-dwelling fish like spiny eels and some loaches.

I do have a small peacock spiny eel myself. I haven't got any pictures to hand, but I'll see if I can grab one soon. He's in an 180L juwel vision bow-fronted tank with livebearers, bristlenoses and a couple of rainbowfish. The substrate is pea-sized gravel and I was worried that he'd hurt himself trying to burrow, but I've never even seen him try. I had put in a clay pipe and some extra caves/hiding places for him but he doesn't seem too fussed with those either. He does use them but he's always out and about having a mooch around and a poke about for food. I had hoped that he'd weed out the weaker livebearer fry in the tank, but he's the least interested fish in the tank when it comes to predating fry. I suspect he may be eating baby cherry shrimp which breed in the tank, but I have no evidence for this.

Unlike the rainbowfish, which actively hunt for even largish fry and fully grown cherry shrimp :/
is it the one i told you about in lpool?
Well I got the Eel, will get pics up later.
Traded him some convict fry as that's what he asked for.
Settled in well, tried him with some frozen bloodworm, came straight to the top and started to hand feed.
Hes around 9 inches long.
Well chuffed with him.
I love my fire eel. He's easily my favorite fish. He used to looveee to eat, but lately he wont eat (in front of me anyways). I used to hand feed him every night. I think it was me re-doing my tank that spooked him or something. Not I just drop in some earthworms at night and they're gone in the morning. I'd post pics but I'd rather wait until I set up a 120...

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