changed my mind know just going to get as many dwarf snake heads as i can in it i used to have a rtc in my 10 ft tank he was 26" like a true pet let you stroke him hand feed and belive it or not his best mate was a 5" jack dempsey he was a soft as a brushPeter it sounds amazing...... no offence but why pacus?If I had a tank that sizetheywouldn;t be top of my list when theres peacock bass, arowanas big cichlids available etc
would love to house a big RTC one day they are truly amazing fish![]()
so he was a tiddler then!! lol they get to about 48 inches

I think that would be a slight waste of that tank to be honest. the dwarfs would be fine in smaller tanks if thats what you go into and have a different species in each. they like a tank that is not so pleasing to the happy but keeps them happy. Your big tank would be better for a nice display with some great open swimming fish