Any Advice For My New 140l Tank


New Member
Jul 11, 2008
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I just recieved a 140L (90l x35w x45cmd) for free. But it was just the tank, so now i have many decisions to make. I need a stand, and am thinking of making a nice cabinet because i dont think i can get a suitable one for less, although ive got no training. I also need cover glass, a filter and heater, and wondering which i should go for as i dont want to spend heaps.

More importantly here is what im thinking of in terms of stocking the tank, so does anyone have any suggestions. Id love anyone to recommend fish i havnt thought of yet. The only things set in concrete are the rosy barbs (which have grown out in the pond) and bristlenoses (which are still very small in a tank with so guppy fry).

5-10 rosy barbs
4 angelfish
5 yoyo loaches
4 bristlenoses
1 red tailed black shark

Im thinking of perhaps of getting keyhole cichlids or rainbow cichlids instead of the angels, and if so how many. I was also wondering about maybe interchanging some of the fish for 3 upsidedown catfish, or a small school of glass catfigh. Id also love a desert goby (i live in australia).

Id love any thoughts, recommendations, or if you see any problems with my current stocking ideas.

Thanks everyone
i think would would be better with keyhole chichilds rather then angles. angles need quite a tall tank
If you get the glass cat make sure you have some plants as they do like to hide occasionally - java fern is one of their favourites
IME i had a group of 6 and they were pretty shy hiding all the time then when i increased the numbers up to 9 the group totally changed and became a lot more out going and are much more secure the now surface feed aswell as middle and bottom feeding

cheers sarah

Have you thought of getting a group of corys ? - sorry always have to mention corys
yeah i have thought of cories but ive had 5 in a tank with some smaller fish and i find them boring. Theyre cute but i dont find them that interesting.
I forgot to say, i plant to plant the tank as heavily as possible, and get a light that will facilitate this.
tom_os, the tank is 45cm deep ive read that that will be enough for angelfish. If i was to go with keyhole cichlids, what sized groups are they best kept in?
yeah i have thought of cories but ive had 5 in a tank with some smaller fish and i find them boring. Theyre cute but i dont find them that interesting.
I forgot to say, i plant to plant the tank as heavily as possible, and get a light that will facilitate this.
tom_os, the tank is 45cm deep ive read that that will be enough for angelfish. If i was to go with keyhole cichlids, what sized groups are they best kept in?

for angel fish it's recommended a minimum of 18-20 inches of water excluding substrate

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