Anubias Nana


Fish Addict
Aug 15, 2010
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I went to my LFS yesterday and grabbed 6 bunches of Anubias Nana, they had it in their plant tank with the rhizome in the gravel, now I've been told it will kill it if you plant it this way, is this true as I don't have enough bog wood for all of it lol???
if you're planning on planting it near/on the substrate, i would either superglue or zip tie it to a pebble and slightly bury it, leaving the rhizome above the substrate.
My LFS had the entire rhizome below the substrate and said it would be fine, I dunno lol.
it take a while for it to decay, about 4-6 weeks, I wouldn't put it under the substrate.
Thanks for the advice Ian, I'll take it on board as always :), looks like I'll be digging my manky old bit of bog wood out my Giant African Land Snail tank today, boiling it for an hour or so, smashing it up and gluing Anubias to it lol. Will put up a pic in the journal once its done, will have a new nice Riccia lawn too hopefully later on :).
Agree, I have my nana on a rock and it has thrived for a couple years now. It's really handy to be able to move it around the tank at will when I'm substrate cleaning!

Just do what Ian says. Gets some pebbles from the garden, superglue the anubias to them and then position it.

I do mine that way so I can easily move them if I want to :)

Yo, u guys on this forum are on a different level, lol. supergluing plants to pebbles, that's some really creative stuff right dere. who came up wit dat?
I just wish I knew where my superglue was - I know we have some but all I can find is plastic cement (and that won't do LOL :blink: :crazy: ) so my anubias is currently tied to the bogwood with plastic thread.
Lol I considered that yesterday when I found my superglue had the lid superglued on lol, ended up cutting a hole in it with a stanley knife :).
LMAO yeh sounds about right. My anubias is currently a single leaf with a couple of roots so there's not exactly much to glue anyway. Although it is sprouting a new leaf I think :hyper:

You know (totally off topic here) whenever I read your name I always read it as Stever-ade. Like some kind of weird fizzy drink :lol:
Yo, u guys on this forum are on a different level, lol. supergluing plants to pebbles, that's some really creative stuff right dere. who came up wit dat?

I saw the reefers were using it to glue corals to rock. If its good enough for the control freak reefers then its good enough for me :)

They won't put anything into their tank until they have read 10,000 pages on the subject and then trialled it in control tanks. lol

I would suspect someone else was doing it before me though. I just got peed off with the fiddly cotton and the visibility of rubber bands/cable ties.

Aslo I read a few posts of fish getting their gills caught on fishing line/cotton. The slower ones like Corys.

I also used to use hairnets for Riccia until I kept having to rescue pitbull plecs when they got their spines caught in the net.


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