I'm back...
My Taeniatus are in love
but they have not still made nothing...
I can wait for the eggs.... Maybe I will try to modify the ph... I guess it could be one of the causes.
In the feeding I have included alive food, some Microworms, Earthworms and Mosquito Larvae... I think it's a great supplemental nutrient source... not only flakes or granular.
Anyway I think they are one difficult species of Pelvicachromis Taeniatus... not a common one...
What do you think about it? Any other suggestion...?
Kribensis has told me to change some water (about 30%), i will try this saturday... (my waterchange is about 10% every 2 weeks, I ever made so, in all my tanks).
Some recent photos...
A picture modified with P.S.
The male & some plants in Antibodi
Taeniatus female between coreographic bubbles of co2
Thanks for the visit...