Fish Connoisseur
I have just noticed that my platy who is sharing the tank with the corys is showing signs of finrot. The tank stats are fine (no ammonia or nitrites), but he's been hiding a lot lately; I think he's feeling lonely since the corys started mating; he was moved from the livebearer tank for bullying.
I have Interpet anti-finrot treatment at hand. Should I treat the whole tank? How safe is this for the corys? (they look very healthy, fine colour, beautiful long barbels, very active).
I do have a hospital tank, but my other platy died in it from columnaris this morning so that is going to have to be disinfected and new filter media seeded, and won't be ready for a while.
What do you think? Will my corys be safe?
I have Interpet anti-finrot treatment at hand. Should I treat the whole tank? How safe is this for the corys? (they look very healthy, fine colour, beautiful long barbels, very active).
I do have a hospital tank, but my other platy died in it from columnaris this morning so that is going to have to be disinfected and new filter media seeded, and won't be ready for a while.
What do you think? Will my corys be safe?