another silly


New Member
Aug 22, 2003
Reaction score
Birmingham, UK
ok this might be stupid but can u actually put together fish from the different 'familes' also could someone define a 'shoal' is that like a small group of fish?? its ok im researching what fish community i would like to build but im still in debate over what will go with what fish?
do you mean like mixing tiger barbs with rosey barb (tow of the same family, but different species) or do you mean like mixing platys and gouramis(two different familys)? also, when you say mixing, are you if they can coexist peacefully or that they can crossbreed?
a shoal is a group or school of fish :)
it matters what size tank you have for what type od comunity you want.
you can put fish together but u cant make them shoal...for instance....rasboras and white clouds will not "school" together....they will form there own individual shoals....
fishyfoo said:
ok this might be stupid but can u actually put together fish from the different 'familes' also could someone define a 'shoal' is that like a small group of fish?? its ok im researching what fish community i would like to build but im still in debate over what will go with what fish?
Your questions have been already answered but wanted to add one thing. :)

its ok im researching what fish community i would like to build but im still in debate over what will go with what fish?

Just so you know, as you might already tho, there is no rule set in stone as to what fish can go with others. Sometimes you can put a certian species of fish together and 99% of the people do it well, but then other times it won't work with some fish. Sometimes it's con-specific and others it's differing species.

There are many variables like what species was in the tank first and there are even different aggro levels with individual fish within the species itself.

Just wanted to let you know that so you know to take a percentage of what people say and not just what I or just a few say. :)
you can tuna fish,but you cant tuna piano.. :eek: The more that you get involved with fish keeping,you will find that it is not as much a science as it is an art form.....Air
airborn said:
you can tuna fish,but you cant tuna piano.. :eek: The more that you get involved with fish keeping,you will find that it is not as much a science as it is an art form.....Air
Depends on how old you are. :D

Being an REO fan I see it as you can tune a piano but you can't tune a fish. :thumbs:
hey just wanted to say sorry to the admin as i posted the topic in the wrong place and didnt even realise - sorry again :S thanks for your help peeps and to the first replier i mean fish from families such as platys and gouramis i think i have a more rounded idea - i have a few ideas of what fish to sort of start off with so i will go from there! thanks for helping agian :)

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