Another Pfk Nano

Andrew Tan

Fish Fanatic
Apr 23, 2006
Reaction score
Beverley, England
Just a couple of pics of my newly setup PFK nano tank.



Marsilea hirsuta
Anubias barteri var. nana
Pogostemon helferi
Utricularia graminifolia
Vallisneria americana 'Mini twister'
Microsorum pteropus

The substrate is the new Tropica Plant Substrate and i'll be using Tropica Plant Nutrition+ for the ferts. The plants seem to be doing ok so far, so fingers crossed.

:blush: I know the glass has a few watermarks!
Cool and creative setup - I can't wait til it grows out.
How much water is that?
What is your lighting?
CO2 at all?

That looks like fun - I think I'm going to try something like that.

~ Wonderboy!
Thanks, hopefully the UG will start to fill out the foreground relativley quickly.

It's around 25 ltrs, the lighting is 11W and i'm not using CO2 (Yet!).
when you recieved the marsilea were the leaves like clover ( the emersed form) or more rounded and can I put it... thicker? Do you have a pic of it? I'm waiting on an order for mine to come :D!

Can it be used instead of CO2. That sounds good! Is it easier to control? (as in the level of CO2 etc)

sorry for hijacking...if you could call it that:p

greg :good:
when you recieved the marsilea were the leaves like clover ( the emersed form) or more rounded and can I put it... thicker? Do you have a pic of it? I'm waiting on an order for mine to come :D!


The Marsilea was more like clover when I received it. Now that it's in the tank it should form the smaller, thicker leaves (the immersed form).

That UG is a special plant, I'm strongly considering it for my next layout. Have you considered Flourish Excel instead of CO2?

I've been wanting to get some UG for a couple of months, but it wouldn't last in my main tank, so this was a good opportunity to get some. It's a beautiful plant, I can't wait to see how it's immersed form develops.

I hadn't considered using Excel, do you mean in addition to the Tropica fert?
when you recieved the marsilea were the leaves like clover ( the emersed form) or more rounded and can I put it... thicker? Do you have a pic of it? I'm waiting on an order for mine to come :D!


The Marsilea was more like clover when I received it. Now that it's in the tank it should form the smaller, thicker leaves (the immersed form).

I've read that you should cut of the emersed leaves to stop the plant rotting in the tank. I think it was on the tropica website. I'll have a look for you.

greg :good:


here it is: from

"When Marsilea hirsutais planted into the aquarium, you have to remove the old emergent leaves; these leaves will never adapt to the underwater environment anyway and thus, they only serve to absorb vital carbohydrates from the plant during the transition period to underwater life. From the base, new leaves are set which initially resemble the emergent leaves and which may be divided. Later, however, larger and undivided leaves are produced. From time to time, Marsilea hirsutaproduces leaves with longer petioles and these may be removed if they disturb the desired picture of the foreground carpet. The pot should be divided into four to six portions with a scissor and the small blocks may then be planted into the substrate 3-4 cm apart by using tweezers. The plant will spend the initial days producing new roots and subsequently new underwater leaves will also be formed. Thus, Marsilea hirsutais yet another example of a foreground plant which to begin with does not look too impressive, but which after some time transforms into a dense green carpet."
I've read that you should cut of the emersed leaves to stop the plant rotting in the tank. I think it was on the tropica website. I'll have a look for you.

Yeah thanks, I cut off most of the large ones when I planted the tank, the ones left are quite small and have opened out since then.
Yes, it's an organic source of carbon that is very helpful for plant growth. I'd prefer it over the Sera CO2 system you mention.

Cool, i'll give it a go with my next AE order. I didn't mention a Sera CO2 system though??? :unsure: If I was going to do CO2 it would be with the Nutrafin bottle/DIY yeast mixture, as I have used those on my main tank.
Lovely scapeing,looks great really good pics too.
I quite like the tank, simple and nice.

The Marsilea hirsuta looks so nice. :)

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