Another one of my guys :)

The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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Those eyes :wub: omg! make me want a kitty!!!! :wub: My hubby would kill me... to death, lol :S We currently have....<big breath> 7 fish tanks & according to hubby 10,000 fish, :lol: LOL, really only... ummmm, well, a bunch ;) 6 dwarf mice , 3 hamsters ,2 dogs ,2 guinea pigs,2 ACF's & 2 kids :S :wub: :S . I know a cat is outta the question :-( <sniff,sniff>, but I can still dream :wub: & scheme :shifty:, muhahaha, I'll get me a kitty yet! :D
For sure LC, kitty's are the best. I have my own animal farm here as well, lets see...

4 aquariums with fish in them
2 aquariums with fire belly toads (4 adults in one, and 18 juvi's in the other)
2 dogs
3 cats (2 young siamese, and the other ones an old black cat, 19 years old, coming up on 20)
1 dwarf hamster
1 - five foot iguana
1 love bird
And the ferret passed away in January :(

Hmm...what should I get next? Always room for more!

Guinea Pigs :wub: or Mice :wub: or ACF's :wub: or, or, or, hehe I could go on all day!
:*) OMG I'm so sorry, ACF, is African Clawed Frog, my 2, happen to be Albino :*) ohhhhhhh so ugly, they say " ugly they are cute" :wub: when I got the pair (didn't know if it were a male/female pair, just picked 2 from the big tank) they were smaller than an american dime! each!!!!now they are big!. I will post pictures of them.
Just make sure your 3 cats will not be in the same room as your little dwarf ham! :rolleyes: (What kind of dwarf ham u have there? russian or robo or chinese?)

I want to have rooms for more as well, right now I'm living in an apartment so I can't keep piggies or bunnies or even cats coz I've already have a syrian hamster...

U can try chipmunks (esp. the albino kinds, very pretty!) or syrian hams (sori just have a passion for hamsters! :p )
She's a blue dwarf ham. Very cute. The cats don't have any interest in the little one, even when she's cruising around in her hamster ball. I'd love to have a chipmunk, but it's illegal in my area to have them as pets. A skunk would be cool too, but that's also illegal. It's illegal now to have iguana's, but fortunately for me there is a grandfathers clause and as long as she doesn't attack anyone, they can't take her away. Kind of a funny story though. We have an outdoor strip mall around the corner from me. I used to take the iguana to the mall with me for a walk, never had any problems (well except for the crowds of curious people wanting to check her out) but this one time a lady called the security and complained and I had to leave. She said she was so afraid and could not stay to do her shopping in fear of being attacked. Yeah right, like the 10 kids sitting around petting her didn't tell her she's docile and tame? Anyways, a couple weeks later I ran into her at the mall and she was walking her huge German Sheppard. And not only was she just walking her dog, she had actually brought it into the bank. So, I called security on her and told them I was attacked by a large dog once and couldn't do my banking because her dog was in the bank. Was she ever peeved off when she came out of the bank and saw me standing there with a smirk on my face!

Hah nice story mogo! How did you know who the eprson was who phoned saying your iguana was going to attack her?
Also great pics of your pets everyone. I'm not really into cats, kittens are fine but cats :S You have a really nice looking one though.
I have 1 dog! I'm not sure if there is a pic of her on the computer, a small dog and doesn't look all nice and pretty like your I'll look for a pic after typing!

MOGO! Please Please post a picture of your iguana! Please! I really want to see him!

Now to look for a pic of my dog......


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She used the pay phone inside the deli/bakery/convenience store that I used to work at! I was standing outside the store, bringing the iggy by to visit some of my former co-workers that still worked there. Needless to say, she was being VERY loud while talking to security on the phone, hehehehehe....

Kind of hard to get a full shot of her, just do to her length...let me check around for a bit and see if I can find one that has more of her in it..
Oh, LC, you need to post a photo of your ACF. I would love to see that!

I found another pic, here's Mr.B again, I have to stop posting pics of her. She's starting to develop a rockstar attitude.

No, you can't stop osting pics of her! You should post every pic you have ever tooken over her! She is a very beautifull iguana, I would love to have one like her. Just a couple questions. Does she have a cage thing or does she just roam around your house like a dog or a cat? How much was she? How old is she? And last question what does she eat other then your garden?
She just roams, littler box trained of course! She has a big tree made from carpet and wood where all her UV and heat lamps are, where she hangs out when she gets cold, or just wants to get away from the humans.

We have a multi tiered fruit rack in the kitchen that she likes to help herself to, if she wants a banana, she climbs to the top level, the apples are kept in the middle, oranges and other miscelaneous fruits are on the bottom. She has taught herself how to open the sliding glass door to the backyard, although sometimes it's a pain in the winter 'cause she hasn't really figured out the whole snow=cold thing. She eats a variety of fruits and veggies, dandelions, hibiscus flowers, occasionally a hard boiled egg or a little bit of cheese. Her favourite foods are pizza and Sheppards pie, which she will get every once in a while as a treat.

She's almost 11 years old now, and I got her when she was about 5.5 inches, a couple months old. She didn't cost me anything as I had adopted her. She was severely malnurished, and had three broken legs . I took her to a special vet and had surgery done, steel pins inserted into her legs, and put into a full body cast to prevent anymore broken bones. It took about 2 years of handfeeding, vitamin injections, cleaning her open wounds, the steel pins were left sticking out of her shoulders for the two front legs and through her hip bone for the broken back leg. This way once she was healed, the pins could be removed without putting her under, as this has a high death rate with cold blooded animals. She was kept in a 30 gallon tank fully padded with pillows, but we went through a lot of pillows, you can only wash them so many times :sick:

That's the story of Mr. Bungle. It was hard, not in the work and time, but in the emotional distress of having to watch her go through this, but I wasn't about to let this poor helpless animal die due to the neglect that someone else put her through.


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