Another Newbie


New Member
Jun 4, 2005
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I'm Chris in Dover UK.

Have kept coldwater buddies for several years., now proud keeper of a varierty of mollies, platy's, cherry barbs, 2 small cats, sucking loaches and guppies, all going great after a month.

Also have a dalmatian and a Heinz 57 to help keep me fit !
-*-MicHAeL-*- said:
hi chrish and welcome to the forum, by the way what is a heinz 57
A heinz 57 is a mongral or dog that has a mixture of breeds.
Hi Chris, I'm from Ashford Kent, not too far from you. Started tropical fish keeping last November and have too many fish already plus a 16 year old mongral called Jess.
Hi All

I don't like the term "mongrel" for dogs so prefer to use heinz 57, it is a term that indicates that the furry chum is question is a crossbreed at best !! in my Bernard's case, his front legs don't match the back ones, his bottom jaw is 2 inches shorter than the top one and his tail would do justice to any fox !!!

Safe to say we love him very much !!

Best Regards
Hey Glolite !

Have you been to the Wyevale garden Centre just on the outskirts of Canterbury, went there for the first time at the weekend, I was gob smacked at the marine fish they have there, a re-creation of the nemo tank and fantastic box fish, I'm a long way froma marine tank though !!!

I have only had the tropical tank about a month but for the first time managed to leave the store without buying anything !!!

I guess there could be some time of disease we catch called NFAS "New Fish Acquisition Syndrome "

Best regards
Hi Chris, yes I've been to the Wyevale near Canterbury many times, that's why I have so many fish!! I thought my spelling of mongrel looked wrong :*) oops. Our 'crossbreed' (ahem) is sort of collie/german shepherd/dachshund/terrier/spaniel and probably others. The fishkeepers disease most commonly referred to on this forum is mts (multiple tank syndrome). There are many sufferers here!! Oh boy how we suffer :lol:

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