Another Newbie


New Member
Aug 4, 2006
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Hello, I'm new here and kind of new to keeping an aquarium. I had tanks about 20 years ago when I was kid, but things have definately changed. I'm currently cycling a 30 gallon tank with 3 Platys. Don't flame me on that, I didn't realize and took the advice from one of the chain pet stores. Everything seems ok, as I've been testing my water every day and it seems to be pretty good. Ammonia and nitrate are around 0 and nitrate is around 5. I used a product called Cycle, which was recommended by said chain store. It seemed to cycle the tank pretty quick, as the ammonia and nitrate spiked pretty quick and came down.

Well, starting to babble now, so I'll sign off here and start posting questions in the appropriate forums.

Thanks in advance for your advice.

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