Another Newbie with another dumb question...


New Member
Oct 25, 2003
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Very new to keeping tropical fish...have 5 (Copper??) Mollies. Just wondering what other breeds of fish I can safely add to the tank without any fishy fights?
Any help gratefully recieved.
Cheers all.

I don't have much advice on what would go with mollies, sorry. I just wanted to point out that while mollies like salt in their water, cories do not. So, if you've put salt in the water, don't get cories.
Sea_Monster87 said:
:wub: I have plattys, guppies, frogs, and female swordtails in with mine, if you get swordtails only get females because males can be really agressive. I would also reccomend siamese algae eaters.
Male Swordtails are not always aggressive. They are usually only aggressive when there are an equal number of females or less females than males. If there was one male swordtail and two or three females there would be no problem.
if it is mollies your talking it about. i find that mollies can stand any fish like corys, any kind of tetras, swordtails, pattys, and guppys i hoped this helped i also have a male betta in my tank and they get along find but i would put a question mark on that if you want one, you have to be careful with betta's. i took the chance of putting him in and hoping he wouldn't hurt any fish and he didn't. he flared for a day or so but that was it good luck and wish yah the best :D
Many thanks for the helps guys. Will be looking into getting another tank before anymore fish as I want them all to be happy.


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