Another newbie, here to ask questions😂


New Member
Jun 17, 2022
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Hi everyone!

I'm currently cycling a 36 gallon tank. I was gifted a 10 gallon that had a zebrafish and a bristlenose pleco. I then added a swordtail and they are all doing well for now. Yes, I'm alware the tank is probably overstocked ( should have done research before adding the swordtail...ooops) and the BNP needs a bigger tank... Hence I'm cycling the 36 gallon. I check levels often the current tank and do 20% water changes accordingly.

The actual question! How many more fish can I add I to the 36 gallon if I move all 3 fish, and what fish would you recommend? (I know the number of fish depends on what I get.. Just need ideas) I've done a ton of reading in the last week or so and I'm no closer to deciding what I want😂.

Thanks so much!
Hi everyone!

I'm currently cycling a 36 gallon tank. I was gifted a 10 gallon that had a zebrafish and a bristlenose pleco. I then added a swordtail and they are all doing well for now. Yes, I'm alware the tank is probably overstocked ( should have done research before adding the swordtail...ooops) and the BNP needs a bigger tank... Hence I'm cycling the 36 gallon. I check levels often the current tank and do 20% water changes accordingly.

The actual question! How many more fish can I add I to the 36 gallon if I move all 3 fish, and what fish would you recommend? (I know the number of fish depends on what I get.. Just need ideas) I've done a ton of reading in the last week or so and I'm no closer to deciding what I want😂.

Thanks so much!
Well that will depend on the hardness of your water. Do you know your water hardness?

This can usually be found on your water companies website. It’s called general hardness and also calcium hardness
Hi and welcome to the forum :)

If you have an established tank and filter, you can transfer the filter onto a new aquarium and add the fish straight away. No need to cycle the new tank. Just set the new tank up with dechlorinated water, gravel ornaments, etc. Let it run a few days. Put the old established filter on the new tank and move the fish into it.

Can you post a picture of the zebra fish?
If they are zebra danios you want a group of 10 or more, which would be fine in a 3 foot long tank.

Swordtails can be kept in groups or on their own. Groups a better. I prefer to have them in single sex groups (all males or all females) so the males don't harass the females. A group of 4-6 swordtails would also fit in the 3ft tank with 10 danios and a pr (male & female) bristlenose catfish.

However, before you add fish, you should find out what the pH, GH & KH of your water supply is and try to get fish that naturally occur in water that is similar to yours. This information can usually be obtained from your water supply company's website or by telephoning them. If they can't help you, take a glass full of tap water to the local pet shop and get them to test it for you. Write the results down (in numbers) when they do the tests. And ask them what the results are in (eg: ppm, dGH, or something else).

Depending on what the GH of your water is, will determine what fish you should keep.

Angelfish, most tetras, barbs, Bettas, gouramis, rasbora, Corydoras and small species of suckermouth catfish all occur in soft water (GH below 150ppm) and a pH below 7.0.

Livebearers (guppies, platies, swordtails, mollies), rainbowfish and goldfish occur in medium hard water with a GH around 200-250ppm and a pH above 7.0.

If you have very hard water (GH above 300ppm) then look at African Rift Lake cichlids, or use distilled or reverse osmosis water to reduce the GH and keep fishes from softer water.
Firstly, welcome to TFF... :hi:
Well, first I would say, what kind of fish are you thinking of? Secondly, are the water parameters suitable to those desired fish? And does the tank size meet up with the space those fish need?
The boring questions have been asked already so il ask a question which I think is important, what fish do you want ? There’s always the argument of ohh the Gh requirements don’t match and the fish are from different continents blah blah blah but when starting the hobby you have to enjoy it , I totally understand wanting to “do it right” but I’d enjoy it first then fine tune as you gain experience and knowledge, no point looking at a tank that you hate just because other people say it’s right
What's another way to say asking questions?

Some common synonyms of question are ask, inquire, interrogate, and query. While all these words mean "to address a person in order to gain information," question usually suggests the asking of series of questions.
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So my water harness is pretty soft. (3dkg or whatever total hardness) fun the tap. I was thinking of moving the bristlenose over abd leaving the other two fish in the 10 gallon The small fish tank has a higher hardness because of some shells in the gravel I'm guessing.

What I really want is a group of tiger barbs. How many do you think I could put with the bristlenose in the 36 gallon?

I'm currently seeding a sponge filter in the 10 gallon because I want to keep the 10 gallon going obviously.

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