New Member
I am really new to this hobby, about 3 months now. I have already had a bad outbreak of ich in my 100 gallon tank. I admit that I didn't do alot of research before starting, I am the impulse buyer type. I lost 5 of my 6 starter fish, damsels, 2 flamehawk fish, porcupine puffer, Niger trigger, 2 flame angels, 1 clown, and my emperor angel. I have bought another tank, 29 gallon, for quarentining the remaining fish and snowflake eel. I am copper treating them for the last week and have one week left until transfering them back to the main tank. I completely drained the main tank and got rid of the sand and bought the black tahitian sand and sprayed the outside of the back wall gloss black. Has anyone had bad experiances when they first started as well? I am thinking about getting rid of the 3 crabs and 4 snails, so if I have another ich outbreak, I can just copper treat the main tank instead of moving and stressing out everyone in the tank. I don't have a protein skimmer and was wondering what advice you guys/girls had on hob style skimmer? Thanks in advance.