Another mutant betta?

For some reason he reminds me of Super-Mario... don't ask me why..
He's SO CUTE! And so special. Congrats on another excellent find.
Bartleby just keeps getting weirder :blink:
I've noticed that he has yet to eat from the surface... he waits for his pellets to sink, then picks them up off the bottom.
He's quickly becoming one of my favourites, even though I don't normally like reds or solid colours. He's just such a character! :D
Maybe it's just because I'm around him all the time. His bowl is by my computer, after all.
GuppyDude said:
my new female does that to, it is odd.. -_-
It worries me. It makes me think he's not getting enough to eat or something, even though he doesn't look thin in the slightest (on the contrary, he's getting a little tummy on him because he's always begging me for food and I'm a sucker for that sad fishy face :rolleyes: )
:D i wonder if bettas have their limits, i feed my male and it seems he never gets full. i know guppys can eat until they literally explode but wat about bettas -_-

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